Rants & Raves

I'm starting this page to tell everyone whats on my mind. Some of these things may offended you, but sometimes the truth hurts. Also please don't send me hate mail. You can send me mail expressing your opinion, but if you send me hate mail I'm probably gonna send you some hate mail back!! LOL! Also I'm the biggest fan on BSB (not a teenybopper though) and anything bad I say about them just remember I mean the best intentions.

- Ok first off I would like to start with teenyboppers. They piss me off. Simple as that. I mean do they have much of a life to sit around and obsess over boy bands? I guess so, and then if you say anything offensive about the band then they get all defensive. For example say if you said to one of them you thought Nick needed to lose some weight (even though he does not) they would get all defensive and I bet they would gang on you and beat the crap out of you, and I'm not joking. A gang of little girls can be one of the most dangerous.

- Last night I was listening to my BSB cd (which I have not done in a long time) and I noticed that on the chorus were everyone is supposed to sing all you can here is Brian. Of course you can hear some other voices in the background of him, but you can barely hear them. Brian has a nice voice and all, but I want to hear harmony, not just Brian. He already gets enough leads as it is!

- I WANT TO HEAR KEVIN AND HOWIE SING!! This is one of the things that makes me maddest. Brian, A.J., and Nick get almost all the lead parts when in my idea Kevin can out sing all of them. Howie has a really high voice so I can see how they can't find any parts for him, but Kevin definitely needs to sing more.

- Two words, Howie's wink.

- If we are talking about who does not get to sing very much we should include Lance, Chris, and Joey of Nsync. I can see why they always give the leads to Justin and J.C., but why can't they just give one to Lance? I've never heard him sing once alone. I mean Justin is the hot popular one and J.C. is the creative one, but should we punish the rest of the group because they have all the talent?

- Britney Spears. Ok where do I begin. Well it all started when I heard she got, how do we say implants? But I figured most of it are rumors, which I think is true. Then I saw the first Rolling Stones issue. Uggh! Can we say slut? But then it all came down to when I got her "Opps... I did it again" cd and listen to the song she wrote called "Dear Diary". I could write that song. Actually I bet I could write a better song then that. Hell, I can sing better then that too. Her album is made of fast tempo songs that were written by clever middle aged men in a studio were she had no input what so ever on, and a bunch of background singer trying to cover up her real voice.

- Eminem makes me very angry. First off I would like to say that he can really rap, and I think it is good how he is taking care of his daughter because most men even if they are famous don't take that responsibility seriously, but why does he feel the need to make fun of every artist ? Also does he really have to cuss so much? I think he is a very bad role model (even though he says he isn't a role model he really is) for kids. Say if a little kid is watching TRL and sees Eminem at #1. He is going to want to be just like him, including the cussing and crime. That's ultimately going to be the down fall of America, when kids aren't going to care about anything and not have any values.

Ok I think thats about it! Of course I will have add on to this list. Also I don't have any raves ( I know I'm a bitch!) but they will come soon!


Email: ws98braves@aol.com