Find Out How Much The Backstreet Boys Know About Each Other

Hi, Welcome to the village of Friendship, here is where the bsb got tested on how good of friends they were with each other

How Well Does Brian Know Nick?

When is Nick's Birthday? January 28, Real Answer, January 28

Where was he born? Jamestown Ny, Real Answer, Jamestown Ny

What Celebrity was born in the same hospital? Lucille Ball, Real Answer, Lucille Ball

Name all four of his siblings! Aaron, Angel, BJ....*, Real Answer, Aaron, Angel, BJ, Leslie

Name the first 2 big comercials he did! Gosh, I don't Know, Real Answer, Florida Lottery and The Money Store

What sports team did he work for? Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Real Answer, Tampa Bay Buccaneers

What's his middle name? Gene, Real Answer, Gene

Assitance from A.J. and his not so subtle clues

How Well Does Brian Know A.J.?

Name A.J.'s sibblings! He doesn't have any, Real Answer, He doesn't have any

When is his b-day? January 9, Real Answer, January 9

Where was he born? West Palm Beach, Real Answer, West Palm Beach

What dwarf did he play in Snow White? Dopey, Real Answer, Dopey

How many tatoos does he have? Let me see.....10, Real Answer, 10

What is his lucky number? He says its 69, Real Answer, 69

What kind of truck does he drive? Ford Expedition, Real Answer, Ford Expedition Name his 2 dogs! Panda and Bear, Real Answer, Panda and Bear

* With assistance from Nick

* Pause for counting (A.J. is wearing a tank top)

How Well Does Nick Know Brian?

When is his b-day? January 22, Real Answer, February 20

What is he afraid of? Heights, Real Answer, Heights

What is his dogs name? Lil' Tyke, Real Answer, Lil' Tyke

What is his shoe size? 10 1/2, Real Answer, 10 1/2

Name his sibblings! He has an older brother, Harold, Real Answer, Harold

What college was he going to attend if he hadn't joined Bsb? A Christian..something Bible.., Real Answer, Cincinnati Bible College

*Brian is slightly offended at his best pal's answer , to which he replies: "I am so bad with numbers. I don't even know my parents birthdays

How Well Does A.J. Know Howie?

When is his b-day? August 22, Real Answer, August 22

Where was he born? Orlando, Real Answer, Orlando

Name his sibblings! Pollyanna, Johnny and Angie, Real Answer, Pollyanna, Johnny, and Angie (his sister Caroline died last year)

What 2 movies has he been in? Parenthood and My Girl, Real Answer, Parenthood, and Cop and a Half

What's his his middle name! Dwaine, Real Answer, Dwaine

What's the name of his Condo Building Company? Sweet D Inc., Real Answer, Sweet D Inc

How Well Does Nick Know Kevin?

When is Kevin's b-day? October 3, I think, Real Answer, October 3

Name his 2 brothers! Jerald and oh, yeah Tim, Real Answer, Jerald and Tim

What kind of dancing did he used to teach? Ball room, and Classical, Real Answer Ball Room

Where was he born? Lexington , Kentucky, Real Answer, Lexington Kentucky

What is his Middle name? Scott, Real Answer, Scott

Name the characters he played at Disney? Aladdin and a Ninja turtle, Real Answer, Aladdin, and a Ninja Turtle

* Brian is a bit upset here. After all Nick didn't know his birthday

* With hints from the Peanut Gallery