Are U Obsessed With The Backstreet Boys?

Hi, Welcome to no name! The reason why this village has no name is because the people here have a condition called owbb (obsessed with Backstreet Boys), this condition has effected there thought process and all they can think off is Bsb so they haven't came up with a name for there village. Warning! this condition is contagious so be careful. Here are some of the symtoms!

Read these obsession sign to see if u are obsessed with the Backstreet Boys

1. You go to a movie and sae a seat for the Backstreet Boys even though there not going to be there

2. You take Millienium everywhere so it doesn't get lost

3. You get a tatoo that says I love the Backstreet Boys

4. Everyone calls u "that bsb freak"

5. Before u can sleep u have to check on ur bsb posters

6. Your parents new punishment is riping your bsb posters

7. You shout bsb every 5 minutes

8. You have Bsb scratched onto your locker

9. You get suspended for spray painting bsb is da bomb on your gym floor

10. You wrote bsb all over your walls with permenent marker

11. Your dog can bark the tune to Larger than Life

12. You have conversations with ur bsb posters

13. Then you start crying when they don't answer you

14. You are no longer afraid of spiders, ur afraid of losing your memory and forgeting about the backstreet boys

15. You answer all the questions on your test with brian, nick, kev, howie, a.j.

16. Your phsyciatrist is now locked up in a mental hospital, rocking back forth singing "don't want you back"

17. You visit an anti bsb site and what happens? Your dad makes you buy a new moniter

18. You chop off your finger when u miss a performance

19. Your cats and dogs are covered in bsb pics

20. Your friends won't sleep over anymore cause their sick of bsb kareoke night

21. When you call your friends the first thing they say is if this is about bsb I don't care

22. You ripe out all of your scream your lungs out and send yourself to a mental hospital when u didn't see I want it that way on the first day of release

23. Your dad got fired cause he couldn't stop singing "get down" at work

24. You go to Santa sit on his lap and say if u don't get me the backstreet boys for christmas i will pay u a visit with mr death

25. You can't say anything that doesn't have to do with the bakstreet boys

26. You throw them a b-day party even though they aren't going to be there

27. You speak in nothing but bsb quotes

28. You banged your head against a brick wall when you didn't get tickets to there concert

29. You have a bsb shirt for every day of the week

30. You wake up singing "I need you tonight"

* These obsession signs are just mostly ment for a laugh, please don't use them without asking, thanks!