President of the National Karate & Kobudo Federation
President of The National Karate & Kobudo Federation
Sogo Budo Kaneta Kai US. Kaicho (Director)
Chief Instructor for The Traditional Karate Systems Karate Dojo
7th Dan Karate certified by International Shito Ryu Karate Do Rengokai, the Seishin Kai Karate Union, The SogoBudo Kaneta Kai, and the Okinawan Karate Federation
5th Dan Kobudo certified by the Sogo Budo Kaneta Kai & All Okinawa Karate & Kobudo Rengokai
3 time Fla. State Champion
N.A.S.K.A regional triple Champion
Has won 52 Grand Championships and over 200 1st place
Has been awarded numerous awards for community service
Teaches seminars on Karate, Bunkai, Kobudo, and Kyusho points Nationally
School elected N.K.J.U. school of the Year (1990)
Elected Instructor of the Year Sogo Budo Kaneta Kai (1992)
1999 Elected US Martial Arts Master of the Year by WMAL
2000 Inducted into the World Martial Arts League Hall of Fame
2001 NKKF Ocala Karate Dojo Awarded one of the USA top 200 Martial Arts Schools award
U.S. Representative for the Sogo Budo Kaneta Kai Organization of Japan Motobuha Shito Ryu
U.S. Representative for Soke Toshio Kaneta
U.S. Representative for Kaicho Tamayose Hidemi of Okinawa
Traines and organizes yearly trips to Japan and Okinawa
Instructed Police Officers,Swat Teams, Military And Mental Assoc. Aggression Control Tech.
Participated in the Film the Last P.O.W with Martin Sheen & Ralph Machio
Has been featured in articles in Kick, Karate Kung Fu Illustrated, Smash Magazines
Guest columnist for the Youth Magazine Moms & Dads
2003 Placed in the top 10 competitors at the World Tournament in Naha, Okinawa.