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Red Still Life 3D Self Portrait Painting (Frontal View) 3D Self Portrait Painting ('Patriotic' Box) 3D Self Portrait Painting ('Music' Box) 3D Self Portrait Painting ('Graduate' and 'Poet' Boxes) 3D Self Portrait Painting ('Family' Box) 3D Self Portrait Painting (Symbols - Top Left) 3D Self Portrait Painting (Symbols - Top Right) 3D Self Portrait Painting (Left View) 3D Self Portrait Painting (Right View) 3D Self Portrait Painting (Rear View) 3D Self Portrait Painting (Center Top View) Foreshortening/'Abuse' Surrealistic Piece Adam - Portrait Cartooning - Superhero Flower Portrait Monet Copy Color Alteration - Portrait of Natalie 'No Limits' 'Blind' Landscape: Stiple and Pencil Dan - Distortion