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CIS Shield CIS Ships CIS Shield

    These are descriptions of all the ships flow by CIS.  Please view the "CIS Ships Chart" for more detailed information such as wepons configuration.

CIS Light Fighter

Light Fighter

    The armor is very weak, but the shields are good. It is a well balanced ship, fairly new to the CIS forces. It carries few missiles.

CIS Medium Fighter

Medium Fighter

    Packing a more powerful punch than the Light Fighter, the Medium Fighter has better shields and average speed. It carries a wide variety of missiles, and a BSE Mk I. It is a very old, and well respected ship.

CIS Heavy Fighter

Heavy Fighter

    The Heavy Fighter has been updated to make it more powerful. These ships are a prime selection for escort. Fast and powerful, this ship has very high shields and armor.

CIS Extra-Heavy Fighter

Extra-Heavy Fighter

    The name says it all. This ship is the best in the force, very powerful, very quick. It is used to escort Dreadnoughts, and makes heavy attacks on pirate convoys. With the 5 Flux Mk IIs it carries, along with a BSE Mk II and several Hellraiser Torpedoes, it can easily destroy most capital ships.

CIS Destroyer


    The Destroyer is mainly used as a patrol vehicle. It can fend off most light to medium attacks, and is the least armored capital ship in the CIS fleet.

CIS Carrier


    The carrier has medium defenses, and is the only ship in the Tri-System that has the ability to carry and launch several fighters. They usually contain a wide variety of fighters.

CIS Dreadnought


    The most powerful battleship in the Tri-System, the Dreadnought can easily destroy any capital ship with ease. It is usually used to head an attack on large pirate targets. It has many and powerful turrets, which prevents most fighters from even getting near it.

CIS Cargo Carrier

Cargo Carrier

    This ship is used to transport prisoners and supplies to and from planets. It is heavily armored and fast, but it has few turrets.

CIS Capital Ship

Capital Ship

    This is not a combat ship; rather it is used to transport officials and other CIS leaders to and from worlds. It also serves as an orbital headquarters for on-planet attacks.

CIS Ships Chart
