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Medical Commodities




    Still thicker than water, but also easier to transport.  The thing about blood is, when it's needed, it's needed fast, and fresh. Consequently, there's a good living to be made keeping reserve supplies stocked, and a better living to be made during emergencies.

Cybernetic Limbs

Cybernetic Limbs

    Kick up your heels and clap your hands, because today's cybernetic limbs are cheaper, lighter and more efficient than ever before.  So much more stylish and practical than the real thing!

Medi Kit

Medi Kit

    Like having your own personal doc-inna-box ready to take charge at any medical emergency.  No home should be without a healthy stock of fully operational Medi Kits when the unthinkable happens.

Optic Nerves

Optic Nerves

    Jeepers creepers, where'd you get those peepers?  Probably from the authorized interstellar optics exchange - a nice new optic nerve is much easier to transport and install than some silly ground lens, if your vision needs correcting.

Synthi Skin

Synthi Skin

    In addition to its countless medical and protective/defensive applications, this high tech pseudo organic body covering has become a popular fashion accessory on many worlds.
