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Saber Marionette R

In this particular world, there was a city named Romana. Romana had no girls. Instead they built female androids. Some of the very lucky ones got a maiden circuit. It looks just like an artificial heart, and it beats like one. How appropriate, as this is what gives androids a "heart" -- human emotions are generated from this circuit.

One day, Star Face, a total psycho, decided to take over the land. He had three sexadolls, which were VERY powerful and vicious fighting machines. Face needed to eliminate all the royal family. But he had problem with Junior, the next in line for the throne. Junior have three andriods, each of them have a maiden circuit. His first android is Cherry, a girl who have crush on Junior. Second android is Lime, just a baby, was given to Junior by StarFace. Lime is trying hard to learn, but is stupid in a cute way. Third android, Bloodberry (my favorite!) seems to be the older, actually, Bloodberry belongs to Junior's father. But later, Junior's father commands Bloodberry to protect Junior. So Bloodberry is Junior's third android.

A big difference between the sexadolls and Junior's saber marionette is: The sadist sexadolls, WORSHIPPED Starface, and do everything what he said. Sexadolls don't have the maiden circuit, so that's why they do whatever Starface said. On the other hands, Junior's saber looks very young, carefree and cute.

The anime is drama, comedy, action, adventure, and a tad of romantic. All of them in one hour and a half movie!

One hour and a half.
25 dollars for sub,
20 dollar for dub. You can
get it cheaper at AnimeNation.

My Opinion:
I brought it, and it is my favorite movie,
but the only thing I WISHED is there was more.
Yes, there's more, but they changed the
looks and everything, change the characters.
I was a little disappointed in it.
But you should buy it, anyway. It's a very good movie.

Preview Pictures:
Bloodberry and Lime
Pictures in one picture