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To my site.....


Welcome ... one and all...My name is Lora .. I am from.. Now if I tell ya do you promise no jokes...or laughing.... Please!!! How can I trust you ... I guess I will just have to have faith that you will keep your word....LOL:))) I am from the great state of Arkansas ... No I was not born here .. I moved here ..And where I live you drive as you come into the city limits .. you will see a sign that says "First Home Of Bill and Hillary Clinton" (yea) ....and which is also the "Home Of The Razorbacks" ....Whooooooo Piggggggg Shooooie "GO HOGS GO"... if you can tell I like the Arkansas Razorbacks ... :)))) ("YEAH")

I am married and I have a son .. I don't do much ..I was working ..and was told last Oct..98 that I had emphasyma .. I have not worked much in the last year .. so a friend of my was so sweet to help me get this web site going.. I will never be able to thank him enough .... :)))But I am so glad he surprised me with it day ...

The reason for the web page is to let everyone .. I like Dream Catchers and I make them to sell ... I have even sold so far about 12 of them and sold here on the web .. I make them by getting special orders .. as in what color and how big .. and then I go from there ... I plan on getting more pics taken of the ones I make and get them to the site .. So if your interested ..send me a email .. you find the link on the first page .... and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can ...

I also hope to try and get some things up from my other favorite things .. Castles, Wizards, Dragons, .. Star's Cresent moon's and cool Sun's... (got any cool sites let me know) .... always like neat cool stuff .. LOL ...I dont' know anyone who don't..

There is one thing in my life I would love to do ... b4 I die.. is to travel .. overseas... to South Africa ... "hoe gaan dit" = how is it going...:))..."dit gaan goed hoor"= it going good here .... and to Germany .. Ireland .. Finland .. Russia ... just visit all the European countries ... I have met some many great and wonderful people on the internet ...I have quite a few people on the net that I have meet here in the USA .. that I would love to meet them also one day .... I just feel so close to them .. like I have known them for years .. They have been here for me when I needed ... support ... and some one to talk to that would just listen to me sometimes it is hard to talk to family .. you need a friend ........ When I had to go to the doctor or to the hospital for a test .. I always came back to people that were wanting to know ...what happen ... how did it go ... Yes my family cares alot and are here for me .. but the people that I am close to on the internet .. has been a life saver for me ... THANK YOU ALL ...FOR BEING THERE.... LOVE YOU ALL all was here to listen to things that was on my mind ..and I was afraid to say ... anything to my family .... I can never repay you all ... for being there for me .... So ....if you DREAM .. and wish ....have faith in your heart in your dreams and wishes ... you never know ... YOUR DREAMS MAY COME TRUE !!!!!!!.... if there is a will in your heart ... there is a way ...!!!!

Please Keep Checking back .. there will be more come .. I plan on adding more pics of the dream catchers that I make .. and I also plan to get a price guide up ... so I can give every one a idea of the prices of the ones I make ...

See ya again .... soon !!!!! :)))))))

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