fallen's psychobabbling

this is what i have to say.

02.06.02 o.o; all i have to say is: DAMN, but it's been awhile...yeah, there's been a lot going on, i won't bore you here, but i can point you in the direction of my lj (accessible through here. Umm...unfortunately, I'm on my laptop at (boarding) school, so I don't have any of my ff7 stuff and i have barely anything at all in the writing section on it, actually...I don't know. I pretty much figured this sit was dead, but i'm just such a wussy that i can't help but want to revive it again and again. I don't know, i guess I just felt like I owe it to you all to at least let you know I'm not dead. O_O *noddles* Not dead, yet. ^.~ although track season this year might alter that. so...i don't know. I think the focus of this site is going to shift more and more to personal stuff.....not likely that a new layout is coming even though i know one is in order, but i'm a lazy fuck. O_O now, get outta here. ^^;; I know you've got better things to do than listen to me rant...

Hey, all. After a few weeks of despondant...despondantness (not a word, yes.) about my site being dead, I realized that my counter is broken. x_X kicked the bucket awhile ago, in fact. o_o so yeah. Um...*shifts*
It's hard...I really want to work on my site, but I am just *that* close to having my ass personally kicked by the vice principal at my school. o_o which i really don't relish. x_X I do NOT want to repeat...o_o so...*sighs* Hai. x_X life sucks. again. ^^; i got into my boarding school, though, so hey. At least i'm outta here soon.
Anyway...I just want to dangle a carrot in front of anyone face who's still visiting: I finally just said screw the work and I'm halfway through the first section of Storm Gathering. x_X I would have written more, but I stupidly turned on the TV for some noise and was distracted by, of all things, Xena the Warrior Princess. so yeahhhh....that may or may not be finished soon. i also have one last part of LCBB, the last I ever intend to write. It's part of Lucas' backstory, and it deals with when he left home. *shrugs* It was just a side story to amuse myself with, but...hey, why not post it, right?
the real main reason that there hasn't been more ff7 writing (hey, i was just on spring break), is that I've totally been obsessed w/ several animes lately, most prominently Ranma 1/2. o_o so i've been writing for them, i guess. sorry, ppl.
so...just bear w/ me, people. o_o give me a little more patience and i'll do my best to give you an update. i have several submissions I still have to review and dust off, etc. ^~ All of you who submitted and don't have your stuff posted--don't think i forgot!! i still have 'em!!
ja ne, minna-san.

Merry Christmas, everyone.
A lot has happened, and as i sit here, watching the clock tick closer to midnight...a lot is still happening. I'm definitely not the same person i was when i opened this site. I don't have much of the same anything: personality, friends, outlook...(hairstyle).
But things are going okay. Not great, but okay. I just got back two days ago from a trip to Maui with my best friend...it's Christmas and my family's getting along alright for once. I have a PS2 (BWAH! BOOYAKA!), thanks to my parents...
I have a kickass best friend, Akane-chan, who I can count on for everything...and my loving boyfriend (hi augy!), who really lightens up my life...for once, i'm actually starting to take control of my life. So yeah, things are going pretty well over there.
But, on the other hand...my mother really wants me to go to a boarding school, and I'm very unsure about the decision, whether it's a good school or not. I'm failing math. The principal, vice principal (both of 'em!), and counselor all know me by name and I'm just all around not doing that great academically and with my family.
So yeah. Things are still really unstable. But I'm reopening the DoD (Awww...come on. you had to have seen that one coming.). I'm not making anymore promises. Regular updates are unlikely, because I really just have way too much going on to concentrate much on my site. But it's opening...LCBB has a rewrite started. I've totally overhauled it...I'm not sure when you'll see the new chapters rolling out, but they'll be better planned out and stuff from now on. The fanfiction section is probably going to get a lot of changes....
Anyway, I guess I've taken too much of your time already. My site's back, anyhow, and so am I. Changed, but still me. Merry Christmas, everyone, and a happy 2001. May it be better than the year 2000.

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