Ahhhh!!! Everyone run away! It’s fallen’s second attempt at a ramble!!! er…guest appearances by Lady Gizmo, Snarfy, Pika, and D-chan. For people who know nothing of Ranma, ukyou is a character whom I hate that fights with a giant spatula and has smaller throwing spatulas as well.

Annoying Characters You Love To Hate


fallen: …God, this is boring. I dun see why I gotta do this stupid homework. *inspiration hits fallen* Ow!!! Hey! I know! I’ll write a stupid ramble instead of doing vital homework that could do crippling damage to my grades if it stays uncompleted!

(fallen is wandering around the internet)

fallen: Oy…my modem is screwed to hell…Lady Gizmo! Whatcha doing here?

Lady Gizmo: *stares at fallen* This IS my website, fallen.

fallen: *blinks* Oops. I knew that. Eheh.

Lady Gizmo: Sure you did.

fallen: *sweatdrop* Er…let’s go pick on Aeris!!!

Lady Gizmo: Ooh! Okay!

Snarfy: Hey! fallen! Pokeclick! Where’re you going?

fallen: *groan* Hiya…We were just going to go and pick on Aeris…wanna come?

Snarfy: Sure, I guess…I don’t have anything better to do.

fallen: Except make the world’s worst typos…*coughcough*

Snarfy: What was that?

Lady Gizmo: She said-mmph!

fallen: *has her hand clamped over Lady Gizmo’s mouth* Er…so, we going or what?

Lady Gizmo and Snarfy: Coming!

(The three of us arrive at the DoD)

fallen: *digging around her computer* I KNOW I’ve got Aeris around here somewhere…

Aeris: Ooh! Did someone say my name? *giggles*

fallen, Lady Gizmo, and Snarfy: *sweatdrop*


fallen: Er…hi, Pika. That’s Aeris.

Aeris: Oh! Pika as in Pikachu? That ugly little creature from that Pokemon thing?

Snarfy and fallen: *nervously back away, dragging Lady Gizmo along*

Pika: WHAT. DID. YOU. SAY? *steam coming from head*

fallen: *whispers* I think now would be a good time to leave…

Aeris: *repeats what she said*

(Lady Gizmo, fallen, and Snarfy zoom away from the DoD as various sound of violence and pain fill the air)

Snarfy: That was close, dude!

Lady Gizmo: Yeah. What do we do now, fallen? fallen? *turns to fallen*

fallen: *has hearts for eyes*

Lady Gizmo and Snarfy: *spot Seifer standing a few feet away*

Seifer: Goddamned freaking asshole Leonheart! Can’t believe they freaking like him better than me! What the hell is wrong with them?!

Lady Gizmo and fallen: *drool*

Snarfy: Uh…guys? Guys?

Seifer: *continues cussing*

fallen: Hey…Lady Gizmo? Whaddya say we go torture Zell a bit? *still staring*

Lady Gizmo: *still staring* Sure…why don’t we take Seifer along as well?

fallen: I sure as hell don’t got a problem with it!

Snarfy: *wanders off, muttering about obsessive behavior and looking for tapioca to devour*

(Lady Gizmo and fallen arrive at the Fortress with Seifer in tow)

fallen: *searching the cracks and hiding places near the ground* Zelllllll!!! Oh Zellllllll!!!!

Lady Gizmo: *searching the hiding spots near the ceiling* Zellll!!! Chickenwuss!! Where are you!?

Seifer: *walking around, swinging his gunblade* Yo! Chickenwuss!! Get your ass out here so I can beat you into the ground!

fallen: *plops down, causing her black robes to puff up* *grumbling* Maybe I’ll see if I can pull a Zell-finder out of here…*starts fishing around in various pockets*

Lady Gizmo: *points* There he is! Running for his life!!!

fallen: *pulls out a man-eating fireball, which immediately goes after Zell* No! Bad boy! Come back here!!! *chases after fireball*

Seifer: *chases after fallen, yelling something about a chickenwuss*

Lady Gizmo: *chases after Seifer, yelling something about ice cream*

Zell: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! *trying to get the man-eating fireball off of him*

fallen: *finally catches up and pries the fireball off of Zell* Bad boy! Bad, bad fireball! I TOLD you not to go after anything that I didn’t tell you to! *continues to scold fireball*

Seifer: *laughs somewhat evilly and cracks his knuckles* Hey, chickenwuss! Just ‘cuz you can fight don’t mean I can’t beat the crap outta you. *grins*

Lady Gizmo: *sighs and stares at Seifer, who is currently pounding Zell against the wall*

Zell: *screams*

fallen: And if you go after everything just because you feel like it, how are we supposed to have a mutually beneficial relationship? I just don’t feel that you’re giving me enough respect, you know what I mean? I asked you, very specifically, not to go after anything that I hadn’t told you to go after. The part that really hurts me is that you ignored my instructions entirely, without even considering my feelings! *continues to rave*

Seifer: *continues to beat up Zell*

Zell: *continues to scream*

Lady Gizmo: *continues to stare dreamily at Seifer*

Squall: What’s going on?

fallen: *looks up* *looks at fireball* Are you hungry boy? Are you? Good boy! Go chomp on Squall for me, huh? Who’s a good boy? *fireball refuses to listen to her*

Zell: Squall, man, you gotta help me!

Squall: …Whatever.

Lady Gizmo: What are YOU doing here, anyway?

fallen: *still pleading with her fireball*

Squall: …None of your business.

Rinoa: Hi everyone, what’s up?

fallen: *fireball is heading towards Squall* Hey! Be a good boy and forget about Squall, ne? Chomp Rinoa. *fireball grudgingly obeys*

Rinoa: *screams* Squall, save me!

Squall: …Whatever. *walks away*

Seifer: *happily beating up on Zell*

Zell: *is unconscious*

Lady Gizmo: *wonders if she should help Rinoa* *forgets about it once she sees Seifer again*

(this next section is dedicated to Akane Miata. ^_~)

ukyou: *wanders in* Dear God!

Rinoa: *screaming* Oh my god!!! Help me, please!!! Help meee!!! Ignore Zell!!! Just help meeeee!!!

ukyou: *attempts to pry fireball off* Get off, damn you, whatever you are! *smashes her spatula into it*

fallen’s fireball: *swirls around a couple times before falling onto the ground*

fallen: *eyes widen* AAAAHHHHHHHH!!! NOOOOO!!! MY FIREBALL!!!! *begins sobbing hysterically while searching her pockets*

Lady Gizmo: Oh my god! The poor little fireball!

fallen: *pulls out a beaver-like creature* Go chomp her, girl, go chomp her!

fallen’s beaver-like creature: *chomps on ukyou’s spatula* *begins eating*

ukyou: *attempts to pull spatula away and nearly gets her arm ripped off for the effort*

Zell: *now fully conscious* Help meeeee!!!

ukyou: *throws some of her mini-spatulas at Seifer*

Seifer: *turns around and blocks most of them with his gunblade, but one of them gets through and nicks him* Ah! Goddammit!

fallen: Oh my god! You hurt Seifer!

Seifer: Dammit! *starts cussing at ukyou and raises his gunblade*

(Before fallen and Seifer get a chance to do anything, ukyou is attacked by a human sized projectile)

Lady Gizmo: *too busy beating the crap out of ukyou to say anything*

ukyou: *too busy getting the crap beaten out of her by Lady Gizmo to say anything*

(5 minutes later)

ukyou: *is a bloody pile on the floor*

Seifer: *getting preened over by Lady Gizmo*

Lady Gizmo: Oh, you poor thing…did that little *&%$! hurt you? Oh…*fussing over Seifer*

fallen: *digging through her pockets* Ah-HAH! *pulls out a black cauldron, a stove, and a giant box of orange lip gloss* *sets the cauldron on the stove and puts the orange lip gloss in*

ukyou: *is a bloody pile on the floor*

Zell: *is a bloody pile on the floor*

Rinoa: *is burnt to a crisp on the floor*

fallen’s fireball: *is still laying dazed on the floor*

fallen: *drags cauldron of melted lip gloss over to ukyou* *dumps the entire thing onto her and steps back as a mauve elephant falls out of the sky* Hi, D-chan! I figured this would make her taste a bit better, so…

D-chan: *is too busy chomping on ukyou to respond*

fallen: *pats D-chan on the head* I hope Akane doesn’t mind that I borrowed D-chan for a bit…

Lady Gizmo: Say, whatever happened to Aeris?

fallen: *shrugs and goes back to watching ukyou get mauled by D-chan*

Lady Gizmo: *nods and goes back to fussing over Seifer*

ukyou: *is still a bloody pile on the floor*

Zell: *is still a bloody pile on the floor*

Rinoa: *is still burnt to a crisp*

fallen’s fireball: *hovers unsteadily into fallen’s pocket*

(At the DoD)

Pika: *happily graffiti-ing fallen’s guestbook*

Aeris: *is a pile of pink and red liquid on the floor, still slightly sizzling*

(At the Crazy House)

Snarfy: *is happily slurping tapioca and making horrible typos to her hearts content*

Le End!!! Yaaaayyyyy!!!

Don’t ask why I wrote another ramble, I just did, alright? It’s stupid, pointless, and completely unnecessary. I could have used this time to finish valuable homework, but noooo! Lady Gizmo’s ramble kinda sparked something in me, and, unfortunately for you, there will be another ramble. sometime. A girl’s gotta do SOMETHING to avoid homework, ya know? I don’t have anything in particular against Zell, really, he’s just fun to beat up on. ^^; Apologies to Lady Gizmo and Pika is I wrote them somewhat out of character…Snarfy has no character, so…^_^;;; Just kidding. Thanks to Akane Miata for letting me borrow D-chan for a bit! Ja ne! (oh, and many ukyous and Aeris’ were hurt during the production of this ramble. Just not enough of them, that’s all. ^_~)