02.06.02--o.o; hmm. x.x i have no excuse. it's just been a tough transition, what can i say? um...yes, basically, just check psychobabbling and i took two of my fics down (the first two...the crappyass ones.) as well as sort of redoing the fanficcy section...other than that, this is just to say 'YO! I'M NOT DEAD!'
08.06.01--let the tarring and feathering begin. o_o Sorry I haven't been around much [at all] lately, peeps. i've been kind of screwed up. anyway...i would like to remind you all that i'm not accepting submissions at this point while the dod's fate is decided....also, although it breaks my heart to do it, I've removed Chun Li's fics. i not only am not able to reach her, i haven't heard from her in over a year, her site is down, and I was not able to obtain a copy of any of her work. If anyone DOES have Proud, Unspoken, or In the Shadow of Jenova, then ppllleeeaaassseee let me know. I'll love you forever. um..i also removed Time Arrow, for two reasons: 1) I haven't heard anything on that fic in _ages_, and 2) ...o.o;; if _I_ don't like the fic, and have no interest on it, I don't....um...want it on my site. >.< thanks, though, Mr. Hartnell. Uhh...yeah, folks. that's it. o.O this update was all about removing stuff.
06.30.01--hmm....hi, remember meh!?? ^-^ *crickets chirping* ...;_; Ah, crap. *sigh* Well....o.o this is an eensy update...>.O There's all this stuff I wanna do, but...o.o lalala, lazy bum, so...O_O my lj has some stuff on why I've been so out of it.....umm...lots a crap is happening. ^^; but...I have.....some stuff up in the unrelated crap section...and a poem from FF8 by me in the fanfiction section...I have all this stuff from people...;_; *waves* I didn't forget you!! i just suck so I haven't uploaded/html-ed your stuff!! ...um...that was about it. o.O Ja!! ^^;;
05.08.01--O_O Mwah. ^.^ Part one of Storm Gathering is up. O_O It's pretty short, sorry, but part two should be done the next time I get a spare hour or so. ^.^ Chapter 11 of A Beginner's Wish is up in the fanfiction section, and...hmm...oh! O_O For those of you interested, the last part of LCBB that I ever intend to write is up as well. ^^;; It's a side story, purely Lucas. O_O;; Ano...hai, that's about. ^^;; I've got oodles of guest fics waiting for me, so don't be worried about that. O_O Oh, and I'm accepting submissions again. ^~ later!
05.04.01--*cackles madly* ^^;; this is mostly a cheap excuse to talk to you all, but...O_O I DID get a new counter and fix the link to my livejournal! ^^;; *ahem* o_o Well....here's the good news: I have chapter one of Storm Gathering written out, and chapter two is entirely plotted. O_O;; The bad news?? @_@ I wrote it during the frickin' "STAR testing" at school, so it's all in my notebook and my eyes stopped focusing, making it hard to transfer my handwriting into the compy. o.o So yes. ^^;; i WILL have that done this weekend. O_O Seriously.
^^;; There's some other stuff I kind of want to post, but I won't because I'm SO not ready....but I'm gonna try for a lot more guest fics! o.o I have oodles waiting...@_@ I know, i'm a total slacker. ;_; Gomen for not replying to you, pplz!! I suck! O_O;; Anyway. ^^;; I sooo super badly want to post those two chapters right now, but my eyes keep, like, losing their depth perception. ^^;; and i have to get up at eight. o_o and it's a quarter to twelve now. o.o and i'm gonna shut up. ^^;; Check out my livejournal-madoodie, pplz! ja!!
04.13.01--hehehehehehe. Friday the thirteenth--though it is two minutes after midnight. O_O Anyway...I completely overhauled the links. @_@:; WElllll..mostly overhauled them. I was gonna do some fanfic writing tonight, since my spring break is starting, but my mom drove off with my backpack, and thus, my notebook. Grr. -.O fallen was angry. O_O But oh well. Anyway...sorry for the lack of updates. Tryin' my hardest here. ja!
03.27.01--o.O what can I say, i love talking about me. (j/k) More added to about me....
03.10.01--*giggles* Yup. o_O I'm a flake. And guess what?? This isn't even a real update! Whoo-hoo! Anyway, sorry to those of you expecting a real update, but I did warn you...*cackles* no update for you. I'm just here to tease you with the knowledge of what's waiting. There's like, bunchies of fics sitting in my inbox, but I'm a busy girl! Besides being deathly ill (o_o no, not really.), applying to all sorts of luvly boarding schools and pissing my school off to no extent, i've been gone the past week. o_o anyway...Storm Gathering is in it's planning stages. I'm going for structure this time 'round. I've got a couple of other works tucked up my sleeve, but don't expect those out anytime soon at all. Also, there are two shortfics with a change of pace...they're stories focused around Tifa and Cloud...and both of them are alive! Huzzah! Anyway, I'm aware that, well, my links are shot to hell, but there's nothing I'm doing about it at frickin' four in the morning. I'm so tired, i jus' thought I'd drop in to let you people know that, no, I'm not dead yet and I haven't given up. o_o bye now.
01.28.01--i have such an assload of work to do. o_O Anyway, tiny update. Added something I wrote to the unrelated crap section. next update will be bigger. lots.
01.16.01--O_O Oh my GOD, i just did an assload of work. x_X Geez...O_o Anyway...while I was slacking, i decided I might as well update, soooo...*ahem* I added chapters six, seven, eight, nine, and ten to A Beginners Wish. There's poem from Lady Gizmo up in the fanfiction section, as well as a whole new ficcy, Payback's a Bitch. In the links, there's a couple of revisions and one addition, Aes Sedai's FF7 Haven. Thanks go out to Snarfy, whom i made check over the links, so...O_O If anything's not working or looks funky...^.^ blame her. *lol* Anyway, Storm Gathering's coming along nicely. I'm laying out the storyline, so once all my nasty tests are gone and I've pulled my grades up, expect that to pick up a *little*. To everyone who's emailed me in the last two weeks, I have your replies sitting right there *points*. O_o I'm just too lazy to log onto earthlink an' send 'em out. O.O So those'll come soon. Hmm...I'm pretty sure that it. (ano...once again, sorry to the ppl who were looking forward to LCBB. =/ I really apologize for not being able to deliver.) lateroonis!
01.06.01--belated happy new year's to everyone. ^^ i updated the ring code for Kainee's Final Fantasy 7 Ring and, lo and behold! there's a prologue for my new ficcy in the fanfiction section. it's called storm gathering. the prologue is pretty short...btw, updates aren't going to be very frequent. there's a lot going on. anyway, i'm pretty sure that's it. ^^ bye bye, everyone.
12/25/00--updated about me.
9/26/00--well, tickle me mauve and call me an overweight panda, it's an update from fallen herself. *waves weakly* yo. anooo...*grunts* jus' got better after a week-long sickness. ugh. mmm...depressed 'cuz one of my ficcies got stolen, then the dude flamed me, ME, as if *I'D* done something wrong. >=/ hmph. anyway, not much 'cuz i'm still catching up from missing six days of school, just two new links...*groans* yes, i know i'm pitiful, but i haven't felt like html-ing lately, and i'm considering doing rewrites, etc. so there. @_@;;;
9/20/00-- Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hello. ^_^__^_^_____^__^_^_^______^ *looks up from her Ryouga connect-the-dots book* Did anyone miss me?? ;_; ANYONE AT ALL?!?!?!?!??!? *sniff* Anyway. ^__^ It's me. D-sama. *waves* Also known as Hitler-chan, The Brain, and Toast. *serene smile* Akane-chan updated the lil' Psychobabbling shingy-mabobber. ^o^ Wai! Read it! READ IT NOW! O_O *explodes*
9/14/00--peace offering today, folks. i figure since the revamp's coming along so slowly (is anyone even *noticing*?? @_@;; I didn't think so.), I might as well start putting stuff up again. Added up to chapter five of A Beginners Wish...look for more soon, from other fics as well. Um...that's it, I think. See you soon.
9/5/00--eh. messed with the ::about me:: section. Whee. not much else. i had a little spare time because i finished my homework earlier than usual, but I was working on my writing, so...ya. bye.
8/31/00--;_; School's started...@_@;; I hate algebra already...oyy...I haven't really done anything, but I did a temporary fix on the front page since it was looking so butt-ugly. i can't stress how sorry I am that i didn't get the revamp done--I was really hoping for it...but...*sighs* Well, maybe I'll get some stuff done now that my computer's fixed. ^o^ Waii! Anyway, hope I'll see you all around soon...
8/11/00--i added a short story, just run, a really crappy song, would you?, and a poem, my Cruel Angel to the unrelated crap section. I've screwed around with the fonts of some pages...but...
my uncle died very recently, and while I wasn't close to him, I still feel obligated to help my family through this. so i know this just sounds like i'm piling excuse after excuse on you, but...well, i can't change what you think. see you around.
8/7/00--oyy...i updated the Sephiroth's Sister chapters...email me if one of them doesn't work...
Thanks a LOT to everyone who's emailed me...i got your emails, but due to this screwy thing on this computer, i can't reply to emails...^^;; gomen ne, everyone. *sighs* I miss my compy so much...
i KNOW that the revamp is going really slow, and to those of you who emailed me complaints, i'm really sorry, but this is about as fast as I can get it...if i don't feel like html-ing, then stuff gets screwy and none of it works...at this point, i think i might ask one of my friends for help...i've gotten one or two requests for me to turn LCBB over to someone else...(*sniffle*), but there's no way in hell that i'm doing that...*sighs* i'm in a really depressed state, and i'm staying there for awhile, so forgive me if i missed any of the updates...oh yeah. since my computer (and therefore everything that has to do w/ this site. @_@) seems like it's going to be down for awhile, could someone email me Nanaki Lioness' URL. @_@;; It was on my compy, and I think the link's been down for a LITTLE too long...
Anyway...I can't believe this site is a year old and I STILL haven't made much progress...*sighs* Oh well...^^;; 'kay. know you all hate me and everything, so...see ya.
7/31/00--heya. Me again. ^^;;; *waves* What's up?? I redid the GBS pages...and the links work now, since I finally got around to changing them. I'm starting in on A Beginners Wish...but since my files are all in faerieland right now, it'll be a little while before I get the actual chapters up. @_@ Whoo. I'm five behind. Once I get my stuff up and running, on this computer (heh...I'm sure my dad won't mind.) or not, you'll soon be seeing the waaaay overdue LCBB6 and a side story that I'm working on. I've been newly inspired for the story...so once Snarfy gets back from the moon (hey, she might as well be there. ^^;; She's far enough to be.), and I get my idea-bouncer-offer-person back, I'll hopefully get a few more chapters out quickly. *crosses fingers*
7/31/00--...iwillnotcryiwillnotcryiwillnotcry. *looks up* hey everyone. what's up? *sighs* i started in on the fallen's psychobabbling and simple pages like that 'cuz my situation's worse than I thought. Look...i know, that none of you out there really cares, and that all of you jus' want me to update...but I'm kinda going through a personal crisis, plus all my online friends seem to think I'm dead. My computer got fixed today, and it just blew up again, so i pretty much "borrowed" my dad's. i'm really, really sorry to everyone that emailed me, I got all of your emails and I'm getting to work on answering them now...so, anyway. I just wanted to let you know that pretty soon, most of the fanfics are gonna come down for revamping...and I'll see where I go from there. Later.