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Ty Garner
Greenville Grrrowl

Ty lead the Greenville Grrowl to an ECHL Kelly Cup in 2002. He's also know to me as the "Power Ranger" goalie due to his bright pads in the minors.

During on ECHL, when the goalies roateded in the second period, the little four year old in front of me asked where "our" goalie had gone. His mom pointed out he current goalie and said "That is our goalie". He keep insisting and she kept correcting until finally he blurted out "NO! I mean the POWER RANGER goalie!"

His Kelly Cup performance earned him a contract with the Panthers. When I was at PantherFest and waiting in line for autographs, I was totally surprised to find him there! Geez, if I'd know he'd been signed by the Cats, I've have brought an 8 x 10 with me for him to sign. Oh well. He played the whole season on the Cats' minor league farm clug in San Antonio. I haven't seen him since, and that's kind of a pity, as he used to be one of my favorite goalies.

Hockey stick! Don't get Checked!

Tyrone Garner

Tyrone Garner

Tyrone Garner

Tyrone Garner

Hockey stick! Don't get Checked!


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