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Hockey Humor
A Cold day in hell

Hockey stick! Don't get Checked!

A Saskatchewan farmer dies, and is sent to hell.

The Devil, who had turned up the heat quite high to welcome in his new arrival, goes to visit the farmer.

"Well farmer," says the Devil, "What do you think of your new home?"

"Oh," says the farmer, who seemed be reminiscing. "It is hot, but not quite so hot as the sun beating down on me as I rode my tractor back on my Saskatchewan farm in the summer."

The Devil went a way, unhappy, and turned the heat up as far as it could go. Once it had gotten so hot the Devil himself could barely tolerate it, he went again to torment his newest occupant.

"Well farmer," said the Devil. "What do you think of your new home now?"

"Oh," says the farmer, who was hardly even sweating. "It is hot, but not quite so hot as my barn back on my Saskatchewan farm in the summer."

The Devil left, quite upset that he had failed twice in his duties.

After a bit, the Devil hit upon a plan. He turned the heat off and turned down the A/C up as low as it could go. Eventually, there was snow and ice everywhere...great glaciers flowing from the tunnels down into the Devil's own throne room.

Quite satisfied with the result, the Devil returned once again to torment his ward.

But to his surprise, the farmer was standing out in the middle of a sheet of ice, dancing and leaping around like a mad man.

"Farmer!" yelled the Devil over the howling winds. "What is wrong with you? Can't you see that hell has frozen over?"

"Yes!" shrieked the farmer with glee. "It is the most wonderful thing I have ever seen!

"It means the Toronto Maple Leafs have finally won another Stanley Cup!"

Hockey stick! Don't get Checked!


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