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Hockey Humor
Top Ten Signs Your Teams New Uniforms Aren't the Best

Hockey stick! Don't get Checked!

10. Fans start chanting "WE WANT FISH STICKS!!!"

9. Your new primary colors are Mauve and Forest Green.

8. Fans say "You look as good as the Colorado Avalanche!".

7. Your new logo is a big ring of targets on your chests...

6. A little kid sees you and says "LOOK MA, BARNEY!!!".

5. Another kid says you look like the Power Rangers...

4. You long to be traded to the Sharks or Kings.

3. New uniforms designed by Calvin Klein.

2. Your new nickname is the Chiefs.

1. All local media blinded after unveiling of new "sporty" team uniforms at press conference.

Hockey stick! Don't get Checked!


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