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Hockey Humor
Top Ten Disadvantages To Being a Hockey Goalie

Hockey stick! Don't get Checked!

10. Smart Asses that toss beach balls at the net.

9. Letting those beach balls in.

8. Jealous back-up's that hide your cup, causing "puck castration"

7. Always annoying death threats from opposition upon stopping a 2-1.

6. Always annoying death threats from teammates upon letting in a 2-1.

5. Always annoying death threats from fans upon stepping onto the ice.

4. Paternity suits from the mother of the Uniroyal man

3. Being a stop rated NHL goalie, being traded to a cold Canadian city, not getting the money you deserve, and having to play in Las Vegas (Curtis Joseph only)

2. The opposite sex just doesn't understand why you have to wear a mask to bed.

1. When you flip the ref the bird behind the blocker, they can't even tell.

Hockey stick! Don't get Checked!


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