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Stanley C. Panther
93° Cool

We have a lot of good mascots in South and SouthWest Florida: Billy the Marlin, T.D., Burnie the (whatever the heck he is), Robby Redbird, Socko, and Swampee. My favorite though is still Stanley C. Panther, the coolest cat around!

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Hockey stick! Don't get Checked!

Stanley C. Panther

Stanley C. Panther

Stanley C. Panther

Stanley C. Panther

Stanley C. Panther

Stanley C. Panther

Stanley C. Panther

Stanley C. Panther
I did not take this one (obviously), but Stanley came to see me at work. And I was not there! How inconsiderate of me was that?

Stanley C. Panther
But he's a good natured fellow and didn't feel slighted in the least! So he gave a call to let me know he was looking for me! Way to go Stanley!

Hockey stick! Don't get Checked!

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