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Teachings of Gor


The Standard Gorean Year

there are twelve twenty-five day Gorean months in most of the calendars of the various cities. each month contains five day weeks which are seperated by five-day periods, called the Passage Hand, from every mouth, there being one exception, which is the last month of the year. it is seperated from the first month of the year, which begins with the Vernal Equinox, not only by a Passage Hand, but by another five-day period called the Waiting Hand.
during this time door ways are pained white, little food is eaten or drunk, no singing or public rejoicing is done. in itsway it is akin to a period of mourning for the old year gone. Goreans spend much of their time outdoors, on the bridges between the cylinders and in the streets. they have a reverence for nature that is not always as appriciated on Urth as it is on Gor.
only the Vernal Equinox, which marks the first day of the New Year there is great rejoicing; the doors are painted green, there are songs, games, contests, visiting of friends and feasting which lasts for the first ten days of the month, thereby doubling the period taken by the Waiting Hand. month names differ from city to city, but among the civilized cities there are four months, associated with the equinoxes and solstices and the great fairs of the Sardar.

Gorean Months

Month of En`Kara (The First Turning)
·March 21- March 25 first hand
·March 16- March 30: second hand
·March 31- April 4: third hand
·April 5- April 9: fourth hand
·April 10- April 14: fifth hand
·April 15- April 19: first passage hand
March 21- March 25) first hand- Gorean New Year; Fair of En`Kara
March 26- Matrch 30) second hand- Return to Turia (Wagon Peoples)
April 15- April 19) first passage hand- Planting Feast of Sa-Tarna
Month of Hesius (Ar)
·April 20- April 24: first hand
· April 25- April 29: second hand
·April 30- May 4: third hand
·May 5- May 9: fourth hand
·May 10- May 14: fifth hand
·May 15- May 19: second passage hand
May 15- May 19) second passage hand- Games of Love War
Month of Camerius(Ar)/Selnar(Ko-ro-ba)
·May 20 - May 24: first hand
·May 25 - May 29: second hand
·May 30 - June 3: third hand
·June 4 - June 8: fourth hand
·June 9 - June 13: fifth hand
·June 14 - June 18: third passage hand
Month of En`Var (The First Resting)
·June 19 - June 23: first hand
·June 24 - June 28: second hand
·June 29 - July 3: third hand
·July 4 - July 8: fourth hand
·July 9 - July 13: fifth hand
·July 14 - July 18: fourth passange hand
June 19 - June 23) first hand- Turian New Year
June 24 - June 18) second hand - Fair of En`Var
Fifth Month
·July 19 - July 23: first hand
·July 24 - July 28: second hand
·July 29 - August 2: third hand
·August 3 - August 7: fourth hand
·August 8 - August 12: fifth hand
·August 13 - August 17: fifth passage hand
August 8 - August 12) fifth hand - Kajuralia in Ar
August 13 - August 17) fifth passage hand - Love Feast in Ar
Sixth Month
·August 18 - August 22: first hand
·August 23 - August 27: second hand
·August 28 - September 1: third hand
·September 2 - September 6: fourth hand
·September 7 - September 11: fifth hand
·September 12 - September 16: sixth passage hand
Month of Se`Kara (The Second Turning)
·September 17 - September 21: first hand
·September 22 - September 26: second hand
·September 27 - October 1: third hand
·October 2 - October 6: fourth hand
·October 7 - October 11: fifth hand
·October 12 - October 16: seventh passage hand
September 22 - September 26) second hand - Passing of Turia
September 27 - October 1) third hand - Fair of Se`Kara
October 7 - October 11) fifth hand - Festival of 25th Se`Kara in Port Kar
Eighth Month
·October 17 - October 21: first hand
·October 22 - October 26: second hand
·October 27 - October 31: third hand
·November 1 - November 5: fourth hand
·November 6 - November 10: fifth hand
·November 11 - November 15: eighth passage hand
Ninth Month
·November 16 - November 20: first hand
·November 21 - November 25: second hand
·November 26 - November 30: third hand
·December 1 - December 5: fourth hand
·December 6 - December 10: fifth hand
·December 11 - December 19: ninth passage hand
Month of Se`Var (The Second Resting)
·December 16 - December 20: first hand
·December 21 - December 25: second hand
·December 26 - December 30: third hand
·December 31 - January 4: fourth hand
·January 5 - January 9: fifth hand
·January 10 - January 14: tenth passage hand
December 21 - December 25) second hand - Fair of Se`Var
December 26 - December 30) third hand - Fair of Se`Var
Eleventh Month
·January 15 - January 19: first hand
·January 20 - January 24: second hand
·January 25 - January 29: third hand
·January 30 - Febuary 3: fourth hand
·Febuary 4 - Febuary 8: fifth hand
·Febuary 9 - Febuary 13: eleventh passage hand
Twelfth Month
·Febuary 14 - Febuary 18: first hand
·Febuary 19 - Febuary 23: second hand
·Febuary 24 - Febuary 28: third hand
·March 1 - March 5: fourth hand
·March 6 - March 10: fifth hand
·March 11 - March 15: twelfth passage hand
March 11 - March 15) twelfth passage hand - Sourthern Cities Carnival
March 11 - March 15) twelfth passage hand - Kajirualia
The Waiting Hand
~March 16 - March 20: The Waiting Hand

The Meanings of Months

En`Kara-Lar-Torvis (first turning) the first month of the Gorean calendar, that of the vernal equinox, which is the Gorean New Year; roughly equivalent to the Urth calendar of March.
En`Var-Lar-Torvis (first resting) the fourth month of the Gorean calendar, that of the summer solstice, roughly equivalent to the Urth month of June.
Fifth Passage Hand Love Feast occurs in this time, the late summer, and is the best time for selling and buying slaves.
Se`Kara-Lar-Torvis (second turning) the seventh month of the Gorean calendar, that of the autumnal equinox, roughly equivalent to the Urth month of September.
Se`Var-Lar-Torvis (second resting) the tenth month of the Gorean calendar, that of the winter solstice, roughly equivalent to the Urth month of December.