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Just to cover myself, I should point out that I was not responsible for creating any of the materials posted or quoted, directly or indirectly, on this web page; while that's true, I *DID* create the web page and its content is my own doing, as well as any personal art or works I might post upon it. All personal perceptions and opinions are mine. However, Below the Root, And All Between, and Until the Celebration are Zilpha Keatley Snyder's books, and the game "Below the Root" is hers as well as Dale Disharoon's. All art on the site is copyright its original artist, Alton Raibley, James C. Christensen, or Bill Groetzinger. No copyright infringement is intended to anyone, and in fact this web page is just a fan site from which I am receiving no monetary compensation at all, and no profit at all either.


For this web page, I'd like to thank many people for their help, most of all my dear Mark for helping me with the HTML, and of course the wonderful, wonderful Mrs. Zilpha Keatley Snyder for making all this possible.

Dale Disharoon, you're the world's greatest programmer and easily the most revolutionary. Thank you for your contribution to the world of gaming and of great stories.

Alton Raible, your illustrations inspired me, and in fact because of them I had searches going across the globe to find the first-edition copies of the Green-Sky Trilogy that I *DID* find and buy.:) Thank you for your brilliant renderings of the heroes and villains that populate the world of Green-Sky.

James C. Christensen, your mural painting of Green-Sky is beautiful, and the idea to make it cross the borders of the book covers was excellent. Thank you for your contribution to the world of Green-Sky as well.

Most of all, thanks to Mrs. Snyder's fans for making her writing so popular. The Egypt Game, The Headless Cupid, The Witches of Worm, and so many others are indelibly etched into our hearts and minds as the books we read when growing up...or, in my case, much later in life, but they still applied, still taught the wonderful lessons of life.

Mrs. Snyder, thank you also for not letting the spirit of Green-Sky fade...thank you for not letting Raamo be lost to time or to the waters of the Bottomless Lake. Never before have I seen such kind accommodation to the readers and those who loved an author's work. You will live forever in my memory as the benevolent queen among authors, and you must know that you totally exceeded all expectations I had about you. So most of all, Thank You, Zilpha Keatley Snyder! You and your work will live forever in my heart.

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