This is not a page of tips for Hanfic.. although i guess it sort of is. It's more of a what i hate in hanfic, and if you put this stuff in your hanfic and expect me to read it.. nope. You can read this. I guess this is your guide on how to NOT write Hanfic!!!!
Here is scoring. Every point i wrtie will get graded with stars of irritation (*). You can achieve 6 stars in all (******) if i achieve six stars.. that means if you have that point in your hanfic i will probably never read it. Ever.
Remember, this is not only for your amusement, but is also to be taken seriously. There are too mnay hanfics following these CRAPPY guidelines!!!!
Point numero 1:
Incorporating other celebrities and making them date Hanson (******)
Yep, this gets a whooping 6 stars! WHY? Because for one, its a bloody Hanson story, not a Hanson dates Britney Spears story!! No! That's dumb! It ruins the plot when they're jammin and suddenly Ike goes "Hey guys gotta go see my girlfriend Britney Spears'. It's soo lame and unrealistic. Don't ask me to explain why, it just is. It's just irritating, and since this page is for irritation, i can write that!!
Point numero 2:
I am pregnant with Hansons baby after a fling backstage(****)
OMIGOD!! How many times has this been used!?! Hahahaa! Its such a crappy plotline i die as soon as i hear it and turn off my computer to go puke in the toilet!! I men, its diff if you are Hansons girlfriend or maybe you know Hanson *live on your stret in the story*. But the whole concert fling backstage is sooo gay.
Point numero 3:
Hanson and the girlfriend are the only people alive(****)
So, um, when did the other eight members of the Hanson household move out so that girlfriend and Hanson X have the hosu eall the time. Dosen't mom want Hanson X home for dinner? To babysit the youngsters? Don't the other 2 Hanson bros want to jam every now and then? To have brother talk?? Hmmm.... guess not!!!
Point numero 4:
No fights with the good Hanson brothers (***)
I know they say that they're best friends.. but best friends fight!! Can you image how many times you would fight with your best friend if they were right beside you all the time?Why can't they dislike each other? Why can't Hanson get in fights? hreaten to leave the band? I mean, they're siblings!!!
Point Numero 5:
They all fall for every single girl they make eye contact with(*****)
GOD!! NO!! They must have standards!1 Why not thicken the plot nad make the girl try and make Hanson like them? Why must Hanson suddenly adore every woman put before them? Every girl that moves next door? Every person?!!! WHY?!?!?!?!?
Thats all for now.. but don't you worry.. there will be more..much more..hahaha