Many people have asked me.. why do i like Hanson? Why do i listen to them? Why do i write about them? what do i see in the three blondes??

Well, first off, i have lots of respect for the three. I mean, its damned easy to go audition, get picked, sing songs and be famous. But Hanson got up and learned to sing and play instruments and write songs and worked their butts off to get to the top!So what if they wear their hair long? Who cares? I mean, thats just mean to judge cos of that!

I do admit though, when i was 13 i was obsessed with them.. i was a teenybopper!! NO!!! I was what i hate!! But tahst okay cos i got over that phase (thank God). That was 2 years ago.

Next.. why do i write about themmm.

Well, i used to write cos i was obsessed(agg)but it became addictive. Plus its great cos if u like to write anyways( like me) its easy cos you have three ready made characters to choose from. You just make the characters surrounding them, find a plot and voila!! a story!!

I mean, why not?

Why do i lsiten to them..

i like their stuff. It's good music. The words make sense, its not like one word over and over like 'you broke my heart! woooaaahh!!!' (aka Britney Spears) actually, thats not true, i just have no respect for Britney cos er voice is ugly, she sells on her body and everyone STILL cannot see her evil-ness!!!

Anyways, back to Hanson..

i listen to music ranging from Hanson, Metallica, Newsboys, Oldies, Goo Goo Dolls, M2M, Backstreet Boys, Silverchair, Matthew Good Band, ect ect ect.

wide range.