“Who are you?” He asked, staring at her, through her.
She seemed there, standing in the store, seeming confused. But at the same time not. Like, she should have been transparent like a ghost, but she wasn’t. Yet, she wasn’t solid either. She wasn’t really there.
She looked at him. She looked like a regular girl. Brown hair pulled into a pony tail, dark brown eyes. A black shirt that said ‘Bird’ on it. And black jeans.
He felt almost afriad of her, but drawn to her at the same time. She looked at him, confused. And she turned and ran.
He went to the counter.
“Hey Alex.” He said, to the boy at the till.
But he was too absorbed in something to hear Taylor. So Tyalor left, dizzy with confusion.
“I’m Jenra.”
Taylor felt a chill run up his back as he walked home and heard the voice. He turned around.
It was her.
“What’s wrong with you? Who are you?” Taylor asked, backing away a bit.
“I said I’m Jenra. I don’t know whats wrong.. not yet.. I think I do. Can you see me, or do you just hear me?”
“I can see you.” Taylor snapped. “ Why wouldn’t I be able to?”
“No one else can.” Jenra replied.
Another chill ran up his spine.
“What? You’re lying.” Taylor answered. But it seemed very likely.
“No, I’m not. You know I’m not.” Jenra said. “ I don’t quite get it myself.. you don’t know me do you?”
“No.. should I?”
“Maybe… but maybe not in this world.”
“Are.. are you an alien.”
“No.. maybe to you, but I’m not what you’d call an alien.”
“Then what do you mean.. this world?” Taylor asked, genuinely puzzled.
“I don’t know.. that’s the only way to explain it.. I live on Earth.. but not.. here.” Jenra looked confused herself.
“Are you real? Like are u transparent?”
“I think I’m here.. but not all. I’m like liquid I think.”
“Come with me. Maybe you can help me.” Jenra said. Taylor was so caught up in the bizarreness that he did.
They walked until they came to a graveyard.
Taylor followed Jenra to a grave near a tree.
“Please read it.”
Here Lies Jenra Belle Courtney Wilson. 1983-1998 We Will Love Her Forever” Taylor read, his voice shaking.
“That’s me.”
“You’re dead?!? Are you a ghost?” Taylor backed away sharply from Jenra.
“No. I’m not dead. I’m dead here.. but I’M not dead.”
“I’m confused.”
“I’m not a spirit, Taylor. I’m not dead. The Jenra Belle Courtney Wilson in this world is dead. But I’m not from this world.”
“Are you from, like a parallel world, like StarGate?”
“I guess so.” Jenra shrugged. She nodded. “ Yes, that’s what it is.” She shuddered. “This is scary.. I wonder how I.. she died.”
“Maybe you don’t want to know.” Taylor said. “ I mean, it would scare me if I knew how I died.. well how my other self died or.. oh, I don’t know.”
Taylor thought about it for a minute.
“Is there a me in your world?” Taylor asked.
“Yeah. But he’s different. Not lots but a bit. You’re shyer than him. He’s not so shy. Well, I guess he used to be shy until.. say are you part of a band?” Jenra asked suddenly.
Taylor laughed.
“NO! A band? That’s a cute concept! I am musically challenged. All I do is sing, and read and write.” Taylor said. “Am I in a band in your world?”
“Not my world. A different one I went to. But a world. With your brothers. Called HANSON. You’re really popular. A heartthrob.”
“Me?” Taylor blushed. He shook his head. “Jenra, how did you get here?”
“I’m, not sure. I ate something. It was magical. I didn’t mean to. And I came here.”
“Oh.” Taylor thought about it. “ Can you get back?”
“I don’t know.” A look of fear crossed Jenra’s face.
“Wow. That’s really not good.” Taylor said.
He suddenly noticed Jenra was gradually fading.
“Jenra!” He cried out. “ Where are you going?”
“I don’t k-“ Jenra began.. and she was gone.
It had defiantly been a long day. Taylor groaned, walking into his home. He said hello to Zac, but he was watching t.v. and didn’t even notice him. Taylor shrugged and went up to his room.
He opened the door of this room and shut it behind him, dumping his things around the room.
“Aren’t you homeschooled?”
Taylor spun around and sitting on his bed was Jenra.
“Where did you go?! You’ve been gone for two months!!”
She looked the same as she had last time; there and not there. The only difference was that she was wearing a blue shirt instead of the black one.
“What happened?” Taylor asked.
“I went back home.”
“Then why did you come back here?”
She looked like she was ready to cry.
“I..I wasn’t back all the way. Taylor.. it was just like here.. no one could see me. And I didn’t know what to do. Then one day I just faded and now I’m here again. I miss my family. I miss my friends.”
“It’s ok Jenra. We’ll figure something out.” Taylor said.
Tears streamed down Jenra’s face now.
“I hate this I just want to go home for real. I think I’m stuck between two places.”
“It’s ok.” Taylor ran over and hugged her. His sudden act of kindness scared him. He was surprised that he could actually even touch her without falling through her.
“Taylor.. why can you see me?” Jenra asked.
“I don’t know.” Taylor said.
“ I think I know why. I was looking at some stuff and….” Jenra looked down.
Jenra peered gently at his face.
“ Taylor, I can’t go home. But I’m going somewhere.”
“ Where?”
“ Into you.”
Taylor jumped up. “ What the hell does that mean.”
“ I need your soul Taylor. I will let you live once more. I will be someone, not you.”
” But I’m alive! You can’t do that!!”
”Taylor, you’re dead.”
The news hit Taylor like a load of bricks.
”What the fuck are you talking about?!!?!”
” Taylor, Taylor, Taylor. You can only see me because I am you.”
” What?!!?”
Laughs are what surrounded me. Laughs that were mine. Someone not me.
A grave. A name. TAYLOR HANSON DIED NOV.20TH, 1998
”Taylor!! We all thought you were dead!”
Happy family reunion.
No, Taylor screamed. It’s not me. It’s Jenra!! Can’t you see? Jenra!!!
No one can hear. And Tyalor looks at Jenra.
” Taylor you seem different.” Zac says. “ Like someone not you.”
Taylor just smiles at him, and pushes back blond hair.
” Yeah, me too.”