
..what's goin' on here?

May 5th - Ok ok i know i know.. so now that we know.. I have another chapter to 'Of Stars' for all you people, and a whole nee Part for 'Life STory' boith of which are coming on nicely. I will be working more on them as well as a new short story called 'Just Like That' so yaya! Go! Read! And sign teh bloody guestbook! And e-mail me with comments!

The link is on the story page, which is right here

February 22nd- long time no updates!! been working overtime on 'Life Story' and I"m done up to Part 5.. but you only get up to Part 2!! Hey! It's more than you hand before!! 'Perfect' just got osme more inspiration so there will be more on that twisted story

I'm hvaign a short break from 'Of Stars' not because i dont have so much to write about it, but because i was concentrating all my efforts on it. I mean, i have 20 chapters of that done and I only started that a few months ago!!! So I'll be resting that story for a lil while.

As for 'Dont' Wanna Miss?' I dunno, don't ask.
