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Welcome to my web site. God Bless!
My name is Kricket…yeah, it’s a nickname.
I am 37 years old.
It is my hope that you will enjoy surfing through my pages.
I have several inspirational messages and poems (some I even wrote!). And my very own Background Design Site
it is called Simple Elegance.
Check it out! Link at bottom of page
I am a christian. Have been for as long as I can remember!
Don’t know what I would do without Jesus!

I am married to Allan, he is eleven years older than me. He works for a power plant, and I am a housewife. We live in a fairly small town. One where just about everyone knows everyone else. We don’t have any children together, but he has 3 from a previous marraige. His oldest son is married and has a baby girl. His daughter is currently attending college to become a nurse. His youngest son is still in high school.

I have one sister and one brother both are happily married. My sister has three kids. Her eldest daughter has the cutest little girl. And my brother and his wife have three girls. The newest baby was born on July 6th, 2001. My mother is the best mother ever! We are best friends. My father passed away when I was 15 years old. I miss him terribly.

I met my husband on a blind date, and three months later we were married! But three months into the marriage, we found out that he had developed melanoma! I was scared to death, I thought why was this happening? We were meant to be together, and now so soon, he has developed CANCER!!!! We were also living in an apartment and trying to build a house. It was a mess! We were both under a lot of stress. Well, he had to have 2 surgeries. First, they cut off the mole that was cancerous and checked the surrounding tissue to see if it was cancerous too. Well, it was! So he had to have a second surgery. They injected dye into him and followed it to a lymph node. They removed that lymph node, to see if it was cancerous, and it was also! So they ended up taking all of the lymph nodes out from under his left arm. I wanted to add here, that the one lymph node that the dye led to was the only cancerous one out of the 12 they removed. I asked the surgeon if it was possible that the dye could have led to another lymp node that was not cancerous, and he said it was very possible! And if that had happened, they would NOT have removed any lymph nodes. Which means that the cancerous one would have still been in there!! So I believe that it was a miracle that the dye led to that one and only cancerous lymph node! *S* AMEN!

I was scared to death. But I kept hearing God tell me, "Trust Me". So I tried so hard to do just that, but it wasn't easy. Things did not look good! Well he had to take a year of chemotherapy which made him depressed and he didn't feel well most of the time. This was hard on a newly married couple. We hadn't really begun to know each other. But I believe it brought us closer together.

It has been 5 years since his treatments and he is doing great! Praise God! We have so much to be thankful for, and I'm sure that you do too. If you would just think about the good things in your life and try not to focus on the bad, it will be so much better. Believe me.

I just wanted to add here that we have been married going on 6 years in April of 2003. We have had some very, very tough times I thought we would be seperating. We are working through these problems, cause I believe that God wants us to be married. We have had financial problems due to the cancer and building a new home, which we did have to end up selling after 3 years. :( But then we found a beautiful home, we both loved it soo sooo very much, but after 1 year there, we realized we couldn't make the payments. So, we had to move once again. Financial difficulties are very hard on couples. I mean, it is hard on anyone, but when you are married, it really creates tensions between the two of you. And can easily erupt into huge fights!

We are currently living in a very small apartment. He did not want to buy another home, the loss of the other two was just too much to take. And I am finding it very hard to be happy here. But I know God is with me, I know he will never leave me, and thank God for that! I simply could not go on if He wasn't with me.

Times do get hard, bad things do happen to good people. But we must always realize that God is there. And no weapon formed against us will prosper. We will win! We have already won, we are saved by the grace of God. Thank you, Lord! So, just hang in there when the odds are stacked up against you. Hold on to the Lord.

I do not consider myself to be any certain denomination.
I don't believe that any one certain church is the
right and only church that will make it to heaven.
I believe that there is a church made up of
Jesus' children. They can come from all kinds
of different churches.

I believe that the search for truth should be a
never ending part of life. We can never learn
enough. Whoever thinks that he knows it all,
has so much left to learn. Truth is infinite.
I believe we are taught certain things along the
way. We may read the scriptures, and not find
something until we have read it 100 times! This
is because it is hidden from us, and there is a
time in our lives when it is right to know about
certain things. The Holy Spirit will reveal to
us when it is time.

As you may have heard it said, you can't feed meat
to a babe in Christ, they still need the milk!
It is a learning process, and we will never learn
all of it. Only when we finally see Glory, will
we know all. Amen!

I believe in God as the creator of all things.
I believe Jesus Christ is God's son.
I believe the Holy Spirit guides us now.
I believe in the Trinity.
I believe in the gifts of the Spirit.
I believe that we each have a guardian angel.
I believe in Heaven and Hell!
I believe baptism is a symbol of obedience to God.
I believe in the power of prayer!

It is very important to know that we are not under
the law. Jesus gave two new commandments, but essentially
they comprise all 10 found in the Old
Testament. Matt. 22:37-40, Jesus said to him, "'You
shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your mind.'

This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like it: 'You
shall love your neighbor as yourself.'
On these
two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."
Now if you think on these two commandments and keep
them, there isn't any way you would commit any of the
10 that are listed in the Old Testament.

Now I know as a human it is impossible
to follow those commandments perfectly. (For all have
sinned and fall short of the glory of God.)
Romans 3:23. But Praise the Lord! Jesus took
our sin when he died on that cross! All we have
to do is accept him. It is so simple. There is
nothing we can do, nothing. We can't buy it!
We don't deserve it! It is a gift freely given!
And I also believe it cannot be taken away.
If a person is truly saved, then God will never
forsake them. He says it plainly in His Word!
He will never leave! Amen!

And therefore, I believe Once Saved, Always Saved!
Now this is not a license to sin. No by all means!
But if you truly have a repentant heart and want
to be a child of God, you will not have that desire
to willfully sin! That is to PLAN to sin. We all
accidentally can fall into anger, or jealousy.
But we repent, and God forgives. How many times will
he forgive? As many as it takes! Amen!

But we are commanded to "Go and Sin No More!"
Meaning we stay away from those who would tempt us
into sin. "Cast not your pearls before swine."
And I believe we should be witnesses to the world.
However you can spread the gospel, then do it.
And we must all have humility. We must realize that
we alone are nothing! We need Christ in our lives.
The Holy Spirit guides us, without him we would be

Most of us know what is right and wrong.
And no amount of "well, so and so said it was okay",
will work. Read the Bible, it is mostly clear
on what we should and shouldn't do. And we know deep
down if we are doing something that is against the
Holy Spirit, because we will feel his displeasure.
Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit! We
must keep them clean. But we cannot do it on our
own. Give all your worries and troubles to God.
Pray without ceasing! The Holy Spirit takes our
prayers to God and tells him our needs in a way
that we couldn't possibly do.

Be quick to forgive and slow to take offense. Think
before you speak out in anger. Look through
eyes that see the good in your brother.
Help your friends and family....and neighbors!
If you have the Holy Spirit, you should have a
spirit of love. Read Galations 5:23 to find out what qualities
you should have. Very important.
But keep in mind, we are not perfect,
and while in this earthly form, we never will be.
But we are to keep trying to attain it. We should
try our very best to be like Jesus! Praise God!

Well, I also believe that I have gone
on long enough! LOL God Bless You, and I
would love to hear from you, so sign my guestbook or
email me! Take Care!

Philippians 4:6-7 "Be anxious for nothing, in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God: and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

To see pictures of me, family and friends, click on the gate!

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