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She loves you unconditionally,
Tries to shield you from the rest.
Spreads her arms around you,
Never wanting you to leave the nest!

She wipes your tears when you're in pain
Listens to your problems and shares her concern,
Never thinking of herself, she quietly suffers with you
What she's telling you is a life lesson, Listen & Learn!

A hug always makes you feel better,
Or sometimes just to hear her voice.
She always says, "Be Careful!",
But her gentle reassurance helps you decide upon the choice.

We wish we didn't have to go through them
Because some of life's lessons are hard to learn.
Thankfully, she is there to help,
And with her giving guidance you know where to turn.

She means so much to me,
These words can never express
The love I have will never die
Nor will it ever be less!

I've always wanted to leave this world first
For I knew I couldn't live with her gone
But as I've grown older, I realize
My selfishness is terribly wrong.

You see, she is not only my mother,
But also a great friend
And if God's will, she is taken away
My heart will be broken and will never mend

I've hear it said, "Being a mother is a gift from God"
But as far as I'm concerned,
The gift is--"she being mother to me!!"

I Love you, Mom!

Poem "Mother"
Copyright © 1999 Kricket


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