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What would be your idea of heavenly relaxation on returning from a long, hard tour?
Matt begins with a wry expression, "I don’t know how honest I can be…" he laughs. "Just a real good…when you’re away for a while it can be a bit frustrating, you know? So, er, yeah. The first thing I’d do when I get back would be to relieve that frustration. [Pauses for a moment] Have a bath with essence of lavender, drip it in a hot water bath…lush. Avoid television at all costs."
"I just don’t watch TV." Dom adds. "I switched it on the other day and thought ‘shit’, and turned it off straight away."
Matt continues, "You get into it and then get addicted to it, d’you know what I mean? I looked at ‘Eastenders’ and I just couldn’t understand why anyone would watch it. I used to love it, watched it every day, well you know, when it was on, but now…?"