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Installing Fur String Silencers


Using fur strips from an animal has been used to dampen the “twang” of bow strings for hundreds of years. It is a perfect natural material that if chosen correctly sheds water, doesn’t collect burrs in the field & looks primitive and attractive on any self or backed bow. Fur from Mink, Beaver, Muskrat and a variety of other mammals works well due to their ability to shed water.

You will need the following:


  A suitable amount of fur to cut strips


  A razor knife


  Scissors (optional)

Begin by taking the razor knife and cutting a strip or strips from your fur. For best results cut along the “lay” of the hair from the skin side. Cut the fur suspended in your hands if possible to keep from cutting the hair. Do not use the scissors or you will also cut the hair.

Take your strip and taper the last little bit on the end. It should be about 3” long. You can find the harmonic location by having someone hold the bow at a distance from you and pluck the string. Where the oscillations converge is the ideal place to put them. Unstring the bow and untwist a little section of the string just big enough to stick the tag end of the fur strip into and twist it back.

Carefully note the rotation of the twist when putting in the strip. You want to wind the strip in the direction of the string twist. Wind the strip as tightly as you can butting the edges together as you go.

Continue winding until you have just enough of the strip left to once again unwind a bit of the twist and insert the end of the strip. Rewind the string to tighten around the strip. You have just completed your first all natural fur string silencers. If you feel the fur is to long, you can trim it back with the scissors.

Take care.. Sparky


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