Hello, all. If you happen to be wondering what you've gotten yourself into, my main purpose on the web is to make a convenient index of websites dedicated to the musicians behind Marilyn Manson-- Ginger Fish, Twiggy Ramirez, Madonna Wayne Gacy (Pogo), and John 5. There's also a section on ex-members Daisy Berkowitz, Gidget Gein, Zim Zum, Olivia Newton Bundy, and Sara Lee Lucas. This is mostly because member-specific sites can be difficult to locate, and a lot of people seem to forget there actually ARE other members besides Marilyn! So have a look around, enjoy, and direct all love letters/hate letters/threats/ideas/gifts/sexual advances to the guestbook.
One more thing: please don't copy and paste every single one of my links into your site! I don't mean to sound like a bitch, but I had to find all of these myself, and it wasn't exactly easy. I don't care if you use a couple, but if you want all of 'em, just link to my site, or something. Thanx!
If there's a site that belongs here and isn't listed, send it in!
And please inform me about any dead links.
All crappy computer-generated graphics, messed up pictures, lacking HTML skills, most backgrounds (unless otherwise noted), and shoddy logic were created by me for use on this site. So, in other words... don't steal my graphics! If you want something that bad, it doesn't hurt to ask. The few band photos are probably copyrighted by god-knows-who... but I had good intentions.