Another pointless list!

Sorry! I know what you are saying, I promised I wouldn't make another list, but I thought of all you poor deprived people out there, twiddling your thumbs and doing nothing. And i couldn't help ut feel sorry for you. So Aunt Jessie's got just the cure! Excercise!! how will I get you to excercise? Don't worry. I guarantee that once you read this list you will be running from the room, possibly even the country. and if you are still reading this intro, I'm proud of you. So for a treat, I'll tell you that this list is about every possible thing that intrests me, used to interest me, might intrest my grandfather's cousin's brother in law's pareet, and might even interest you. Hopefully, one day, I'll add links to each thing listed.

Thus ends the never ending intro. Long live the king.

Cookie monster

Billy Joel

Adam Sandler

Drew Barrymore

Sailor Moon


The Little Mermaid

Online games

Rainbow Toe Socks

True Love

Fanfiction (look for me under authors, under Bob, the crossdressing dinosaur)

Harry Potter


More cows

More Sailor Moon

Dave Barry

Star Wars

Radiskull and Devil doll

The Critic

Strip Mall


The Matrix

USY (United Synagouge Youth)


Fantasy novels

MOW (a card game)

Zits (the comic strip!)

Baby Blues


Logic problems

Between the Lions

Dirty Jokes

Ice cream

Blond jokes

Any jokes I can get my hands on


Jelly Belly Jellybeans

Sourpatch kids

The Sims