Thanks for clicking the link, for that I won't type in caps lock!

June 4, 2001

I'm really sorry, but I've lost any reason to keep this site up. As far as I know, no one has ever been to this site, except the population of Colonia, New Jersey, and maybe 2 other people. I also have come to a dead end with ideas. I mean come on! How many things can you put up on a page with no topic, before a topic develops?!? I will update every once in a while, when I have a new inspiration, but until then, it was great serving the internet!!

April 24, 2001

Ok, toss that idea. Don't worry, I still plan on totally redoing the site, but frames will not be an option. I've read everything I could about them, and still no luck making them. If somebody reading this would like to help me, please contact me!!

Posted on March 27, 2001

Ok, here's the deal, I'm reading up on all the HTML I can. I plan to redo the site with a frames and non-frames part. I plan to make many sub-sites, including one for cows, one for Sailor Moon, one for the Sims, etc.

I'm not sure if the site will stay here or move to another domain. And for that matter, I won't be updating the updated page until I'm done, because it takes too long to load it and still keep my muse working. ust don't worry if you don't see anything listed under updates. I don't know how long this will take, but trust me, this site will be worked on constantly! That's a promise!


