The list of stuff

I have a friend named Holly. As far as I'm concerened, she's weeee-ll, eer..(hope she ISN'T reading this!!) not exactly sane. She has lists of everything, and one of my favorite (no Holly, not the list of 15 boys!!) is her list of words in replacment of the word Nifty. Sooo... without further ado, let's give it up for:

Holly's List of Ways to Say Nifty
  • 1.nifty
  • 2.jazzy
  • 3.snappy
  • 4.snazzy
  • 5.spiffy
  • 6.groovy
  • 7.groovalicious
  • 8.heavy
  • 9.jammin'
  • 10.slammin'
  • 11.da bomb diggety
  • 12.phat to death
  • 13.dope
  • 16.amazing
  • 17.magnifecent
  • 18. fab
  • 19.rad
  • 20. cool
  • 21. coolio
  • 22. spicy
  • 23.radulous
  • 24.fabnifecent
  • 25.spiffulent
  • 26.awesome
  • 27.WHOA!!!!
  • 28.snazzulificent!!
  • 29. Totally!!

    Want me to tell Holly your suggestions? Then send then to me or Holly!
