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A Spin tale        

       I had an old buddy of mine at my house the other day, and we were reminiscing on what we considered the best kits we had seen over the years. So I explained to him that the best kit I'd ever seen was right in my own backyard.....  One morning an old man showed up in my front yard, and told me he had seen my rollers flying a few times and wondered if I would let him see them.  He was an elderly guy, with well-worn but clean clothes, and an old tattered hat on his head.  I hesitated for a second, then thought, why not? So we walked over to the kit boxes and he pulled out an old wrinkled bag from his jacket pocket.  He reached in his bag and threw some stuff on the kit box floor, and the birds loved it!  They devoured the whole handful.  I released
the birds and they immediately began to work.  FULL TURNS!  Every thirty seconds the birds would wait for the deepest bird to return to the kit, then BANG!, they would explode again, with the most shallow bird spinning 40 feet! They kept this up for about a half an hour with non-stop, full-form, blistering speed!  I couldn't believe it! I asked if he could do it again, so he reached in his bag and gave some to my second team.... same results!  they immediately began to spin, full turns every 30 seconds for about thirty minutes!  With a big smile on my face, I asked him: What's in the bag?? He just smiled and said: Just give me a call when you want to see it again! I said, no need to call, just come back tomorrow morning!  The old man showed up the next morning with bag in hand.  We walked over to the kit boxes, he fed them the stuff, I released the birds, and POW!, they immediately began to work again.  Same results for thirty minutes!  I was in total awe. The old man bid me farewell, but this time he left his old bag on my bench.  By this time, my friend was so intrigued by my story he yelled, WHAT WAS IN THE BAG???  I replied, oh just a bunch of bullshit, just like the story I just
told you!!    
                                                                              Marshall Duncan