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Name: Jennifer Ruth.
Nicknames: Jenn, Pink-Rose, BabyRuth
Hometown: NY
School: NY, Class of '98
Bacon bits or croutons: Croutons
Do you drink: Ocasionally
Fav shampoo or conditioner: Sauve
Fav Colors: Hunter Green, Blue
Have you ever been convicted of a crime: No
Best friends: Elli, Jen S, Dustin
One pillow or two: 6
Pets: 5 fish and guinea pig named Baby!
Last good movie seen: Saving Private Ryan
Fav type of music: Christian
Hobbies: Violin, writing, drawing, singing, biking
Type of car you drive: Don't drive!
Word or phrases you overuse: Whatever
Toothpaste: Crest
Fav Food: Italian
Piercing or tattoos: 3 piercings
Do you get along with your parents: Kind of
Fav town to chill in: N.Y.C
Fav Ice Cream: Chocolate
Fav Soda: Root Beer
What's your bedtime: Whenever I feel like it
Adidas, Nike, or Reeboks: None
Fav perfume/cologne: Don't have one
Fav song at the moment: Cher's "I believe"
Fav website:
Fav subject in school: English, Music & History
Least Fav subject: Science
Fav sport to watch: Ice Skating & Gymnastics
Most humiliating moment: NONE
Craziest person you know: Jen M.
Fav Holidays: Christmas and Easter
What do you look for in the (same) opposite sex: Trust, honesty, communication and a heart
Fav TV show: Dawson's Creek, Felicity
Fav Fast Food Rest: Wendy's
Fav Candy: Chocolate
Fav place: My room
Fav type of weather: Warm
Jeans or Shorts: Jeans
Skirts or Sweats: Sweats
Fav outfit: Black skirt, flannel & boots
Fav Day: Sunday
Fav Book in the Bible: Ruth
Fav Story: Birth of Christ
Fav Promise: "He'll never leave us nor forsake us"
Diamonds or pearls: diamonds
Fav job: Teacher Aide
Fav Christian leader/pastor: Ron Luce.
Fav Store: $9.99 Stock Room
Fav color pen: Black
Gold or silver jewelry: silver
Hot or cold nights: Cold
Place want to live: West
Least number of kids: one (1)
Fav Artist (music): Carman
Fav place to sit: couch/floor
Fav place to lay/sleep: couch/floor
Butch/Femme: Neither - can be both! I'm me!
Email address: Email me & find out!
Fav cartoon character: Pooh & Rainbow Brite!

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