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Full Real Name: Houjun? 
Age and Birthday: 24, born May 21
Birthplace: Unknown, his occupation is currently a Buddhist Monk but he
 has no specific denomination
Hair Color: Powder blue
Eye Color: Gray
Height: 175cm or 1m --> 5'10" or 3'4"
Interests: Fishing
Seishi Name: Chichiri
Seishi Character: The kanji for "Sho" (Well), on his right knee
Seishi Ability: Powerful magic
Personality: An elusive, mysterious person who wears a mask and is always
 wandering. Can be silly or serious. A neutral character who doesn't break
 the Suzaku Seishi stereotype. On the surface, Tamahome and Hotohori may
 seem the leaders but he is the leader behind the scenes who looks after
 them and counsels them. (He is the adult who looks after the boys) He
 uses various spells taught to him by Taiitsukun. Having no selfish
 desires, he keeps rather distant from ordinary men which probably makes
 him hermit-like.
First Appears in: Episode 7

When we first meet him, Chichiri is very mysterious as he svaes Miaka
from nice pointy arrows, na no da. We learn that he is a wandering monk.
He wears a mask to cover a scar he received a long time ago in a galaxy
far, far aw--oh wait, WRONG CHANNEL! That scar reminds him of his past.
Anywho, he is very comical until he takes off the mask, and then he
reverts into serious mode. And he is such a cutie pie without his mask! 

Why He is Vital to the Show
Well, SOMEONE on the Suzaku side needs magic to combat all those Seiryuu
wackos! Also, he's very good at saving our brave Miko and Co. from the
assassin of the day. He's great at listening to the other seishi's
troubles, too.

My Comments
Chichiri is so kakoi, na no da! I love when he goes superdeformed; he's
too kawaii, no da. He's dang funny, too. And when he takes off that cute
little mask, he is HOT, scar or no scar. His powers are very kool, and
he's into that harmony between the seishi thing that the Seiryuu side
kinda needs to work on.

It's Mr. Foxface!He's so kawaii.
Dagnabbit, Nakago! Let go of Tamahome! (Hee! Oh, I am bad.)
Bye now!

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