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Keisuke Yuuki

Keisuke is Miaka's older brother. He shows up in episode 8. He is 20 years old at the time of the stroy, and his birthday is January 3. Keisuke is an ancient Chinese at the university, and can therefore read the Book of the Universe of the Four Gods. When Miaka returns home the first time and Yui is sucked into the book in her place, Miaka explains the whole ordeal to Keisuke. He, of course, makes fun of her, but his disbelief is shattered when Miaka disappears into the book right in front of his eyes. Keisuke reads the book, out loud most of time, making him to the viewer kind of like Watson to the readers of Sherlock Holmes. His reactions to the events in the book are much the same as the viewer's.

All in all, Keisuke's a pretty kool guy. He reads about all these tragic things that happen to his baby sister and handles them very well. He gets all upset when Tamahome's cute little family is *sounds of spoiler being sucked off page* He's a pretty good brother; he tries to help Miaka even though she, as is typical, doesn't really want his help. And he's cute. He's just cute.

"Western Black Magic! It IS scary!" "Keisuke, your face is scary!"

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