Tama-kins, Ho-ri-sama, and Tasuki in normal clothes. They all look VERY hot, especially my Tama-kins. Hee!
Suzaku Seishi and Miaka in normal clothes. There is no background to this pic, which is why they appear to be sitting/standing on nothing.
Suzaku Seishi and Miaka prepared to fight. (Although how Miaka plans to do battle in that get-up is beyond me.)
Hotohori and Houki, who looks eeeirly like Nuriko.
Tee hee, how cute!
Ho-ri-sama has a biiiiig sword.
YES! Yuiren and Co. are sooo kakoi!
Nii-sama, you can show off those pecs anytime.
There is way too much drooling potential associated with this show....
Tama-kins in Miaka's world. He fits right in!
Or not.
Miaka gropes Hotohori, much to Tamahome's dismay.
Nuriko in Miaka's world, too! Well, sorta.
That looks...comfortable.
Prepare to die!
Let it be known that Yuiren is the most KAWAII being since Chibi-Chibi.
Uh, isn't Nii-sama a leetle close to Miaka there?
Women. Oy!
Gasp! We're in trouble now. (Don't know why, but....)
Well, don't they look happy?
Um, wake up Tama-kins, before you get beaten.
"Aren't my boys soooo cute?"
And it rained cherry petals on the love triangle.
Whee! Nuriko is having fun. And look at all the Chichiri clones!
FY Main
Anime All the Way