Road Trip

Part One

By Melody

Michelle wandered into the bar, probably not legal enough to walk. She stumbled over to the bar and slurred to the bar tender. “Need a few shots Mike.”
“You look like you’ve had too many shots Michelle. Why don’t you go home?”
“Nah, rather sit here.”
Mike lined up the shots for her as she scanned the bar. Over in the corner, drinking alone, was Road Dogg. She knew of him from her ex boyfriend that was obsessed with Wrestling. If she were sober, she’d would’ve left him alone to drink. But she wasn’t sober, and wasn’t in the mood to leave him alone.
She walked over to him with two shots in her hand and sat down. “Mind some company?” she asked, smiling.
He looked up at her and shook his head. “Not really. Sorry.”
“Why, big superstar like yourself can’t drink with the locals, is that it?”
He looked back down at his drink. “No, that’s not it. Just not in the mood for company.”
“Why, busy feeling sorry for yourself?”
“What’s it to you?”
“Cause,” she said putting one of the shots under next to his drink. “Why feel sorry for yourself by yourself. Drink up.”
She did her shot, and he in turn did his. “Real name’s Brian, by the way.”
“Michelle. Nice to meet you. Another shot?”
He nodded, and motioned for the bar tender to bring over more shots. “So, you’re not some crazy fan trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me, are you?”
“Nah. My ex used to watch you guys all the time. One of the reasons we broke up actually. He was the obsessed crazy fan. I never really could get into it.”
“Well that’s nice to here. Someone who isn’t crazy.”
“I said I wasn’t a fan, I didn’t say I wasn’t crazy.”

The next morning, Michelle awoke disoriented. She opened her eyes, which was hard to do with the glaring sunlight in her face. She rubbed her eyes and rolled out of bed. That’s when she realized she wasn’t in her own bed. Slowly it all came back to her. Shots. Road Dogg. Drinking and talking all night. He invited her to his hotel. And then they made love before they both passed out.
“Oh boy,” she said gathering her clothes.
“Leaving already,” Brian said from the bathroom door.
“I thought you were already gone. Now that I’m sober, I remember the rules. One night stand, gotta move on. See ya next time I’m town. Right?”
“Actually, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come with me.”
Michelle couldn’t help but laugh. “You just met me, we got drunk and had sex. Now you want to take me with you? You hardly know me.”
“All the more reason for you to join me.”
Michelle began getting dressed. She looked at him, looked into his eyes, and realized he was serious. “You’re not kidding, are you?”
“Look,” he said as he dropped his towel and began getting dressed himself. “We both had our reasons for being in that bar last night. And you didn’t approach me for any other reason except to drink and have a good time. This is the first time a non-fan actually wanted to talk to me. And I liked it. So I want it to continue, nothin’ wrong with that.”
Michelle smiled again, realizing how serious he was. “So you’re saying I cancel my plans for this evening and fly with you to your next show?”
“No. I’m saying pack everything and go on tour with me.”
“Don’t be sarcastic with me Brian, I’m serious.”
“So am I.”
She gave him her best confused look as they were interrupted by a knock on the door. Sean Waltman, otherwise known as X-Pac, walked in. “Brian, you ready? Oh, excuse me man, didn’t know you had company.”
Brian looked at Michelle. “Michelle, this is Sean. Sean, Michelle’s coming with me on the road.”
“It’ll be nice to have you. Hey Jess, she can be our sole groupie!”
They play fought a little for show. Michelle laughed, not realizing what she was getting into. “So, meet you downstairs,” X-Pac said while leaving.
“Yeah, we’ll be right there.”
“Why did he call you Jess?”
“I love these questions! Jesse James, stage name.”
“I see. So now back to reality, I can’t possible afford to travel with you, and not work, and manage to keep my apartment.”
“So consider you’re rent paid till next year, and an all expense paid trip of fun and WWF entertainment. Who can pass that up?”
“You can’t be serious. You’re going to pay for my rent and everything else? I couldn’t accept that from you.”
“Fine, spend the rest of your life paying me back. Just try it. Whenever you want to come home, I’ll arrange it, no questions asked.”
“I’m beginning to wonder if you’re the crazy one.”
“Many people wonder that, you’re not the first. Look, I make an obscene amount of money, and never have time to spend it. Now I can. You in?”
Michelle thought about it. What did she have to lose? A worthless job, no friends, no family, and gain a year of travel, and possibly a great relationship. “Count me in!”

Michelle left with Brian to the lobby where the rest of the wrestlers where gathering. Brian gave him a run down of everyone they saw. “Okay, over there, that’s Bad Ass, the enemy. Stay away from that one. Then there’s Hunter Hearst, his real name is Paul. The Undertaker, or Mark. You probably can recognize the rest of them.”
“Are you sure they wont mind me hanging around?”
“There’s so many other people that just ‘hang around’. You’ll be fine.”
“What happened to Sable?”
“Her breasts and her head got too big for this show.”

Michelle enjoyed the plane ride to Charleston, South Carolina. Her and Brian talked some more, and he fell asleep holding her hand. She felt special, and safe in a weird sort of way.
They landed, and checked into their hotel. They were sharing a room with Sean, X-Pac, Michelle wasn’t sure who she should call what. She just went with whatever Brian introduced them as. He still had his jeans on and a Road Dogg T-Shirt when they left for the Coliseum. “So, you okay with hanging out backstage? Or do you want to sit in the audience?”
“I can stay backstage? I’d love to see what it’s like actually.”
“Sure. Hey, Nicole!”
Road Dogg called to Nicole Bass, a huge woman compared to Michelle. She came over and Brian did the intro’s. “I gotta get ready, can you show Michelle around back here then bring her back to the dressing room?”
“Sure,” she said in a deep voice.
He smiled at Nicole, then looked at Michelle. “See you in a minute,” and kissed her on the forehead. She smiled at him as he walked away.
“So,” Nicole said, “I hear you’ll be with us for the year.”
“News travels around here, huh?”
“Yeah. There’s not much that goes on that everyone doesn’t know about. Okay, well, there’s not much to see really. Brian and a few others are the only ones I really talk to around here, kind of still new myself. I usually sit behind the curtain and watch the matches from back here. You can join me if you want, I mean while Brian’s wrestling.” “Who is he wrestling tonight?”
“Um, I think he’s going for his Hardcore Title again against Big Show, Paul White.”
“Why do they call him Big Show?”
“You haven’t met him yet? You’ll know him when you see him. He’s a big guy. But he’s really nice.” Nicole took her down the main hallway of the Coliseum, where the general offices are. Walking towards them was Vince and Shane. “I’m sure you know Vince, this is Shane, his son.”
Shane let out a “Hello,” while walking past the two. Vince stopped. “So, you’re Michelle. Look forward to talking with you. Maybe put you in the show.”
Michelle felt herself blush. “I couldn’t. I don’t measure up to any of the females around here.”
“Are you kidding? We’ll talk later.” He took off to catch up to Shane.
Michelle shook her head. “I can’t believe how these people are. I mean everyone seems really friendly.”
“Mostly. Some people around here forget that this is an acting gig, and take their characters very seriously. Like Brian and Bad Ass. They hate each other. Even though they were partners for the longest time.”
“That’s too bad. I figured it was all an act.”
“Most of the time. Like Stone Cold and Undertaker. Always at each other’s throats in the ring. Then they leave and drink together. Nothing is really what it seems around here.”
They made it to the dressing rooms where Brian was now in his DX outfit. He was putting his hair up when they walked in. “Are you decent?”
“Never. Thanks Nicole, I owe you.”
“Nah, forget it. See you later Michelle.”
“I’ll find you,” she called out.
“So, having fun?”
“Who’s this Big Show you’re fighting tonight?”
“Who, Paul? He’s a great guy.”
“Yeah, and huge from what I hear. Maybe I should have kept up with this stuff. So it’s all an act right, you can’t get hurt?”
“Why, are you worried?”
“Well, maybe a little.”
Brian picked her up and slammed her on the couch. “Did that hurt?”
“No, kinda tickled.”
“That’s what it’s like out there. Anyway, you’ll get to watch. I’ll be fine.”
“Hope so. Just starting to get to know you, I’d hate to have to take care of you or anything.”
He ran his hand softly against her cheek.
Just then, a HUGE guy knocked on the door. “Hey Jess, two minutes.”
“Thanks Paul,” he called out.
“You’re wrestling HIM?”
“Yeah, and it’s hardcore too. Anything goes hunny.”
“You’re crazy.”
“Trust me, I’ll be fine. You ready? Walk with me.”
Michelle walked with Brian to the curtain where the wrestlers come out. Some camera’s were set up in case the match came out here. A man in a referee shirt handed Road Dogg a microphone. Brian thanked him then turned to Michelle. “Here I go, wish me luck.”
Instead of speaking, she gave him a huge kiss, which he gracefully returned. He gave her another peck on the cheek, then spoke. “Oh you didn’t know?” He smiled at her and walked through the curtain. “You’re ass better call somebody!”
She watched him walk down the ramp, smiling and knowing that she was in for the show of a lifetime.
“So, Michelle, gotta minute?”
Michelle turned around to see Bad Ass standing behind her. “Heard you were the enemy.”
“Nah, it’s all for show darling. So, you and my boy Jesse a ‘thang’ now?”
“Don’t know if you could call it that.”
“Oh, looked like it from that kiss he gave ya. But probably isn’t anything anyway.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” he said while walking away. “I’m sure his wife doesn’t approve.”

Part Two
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