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Parenting With an Illness


This page was started when my daughter was 14, she is now 18.
My name is RuthB. I'm a single mother with severe Crohns Disease and Short Bowel Sydrome. I have an 18 year old daughter named Sara, and 4 beautiful cats. My daughter has never seen me healthy. Im 43. I was diagnosed at 21.
I also suffer from Nueropothy, Osteoporosis, Migraines, FMS and Severe allergies, Accute Bronchitis. I have had 19 major surgeries all related to Crohn's Disease.
I also have a permanent illeostomy, I am pretty tired of hearing how in the old days they were strapped to a persons leg, had an odor, ect. Many people think that this never changed, to be very honest, I have more self respect than to actually live like that, so I do get very insulted when people tell me this, more so when this image just seems to be stuck in thier mind, no matter how I explain it! I have a small build, I cannot wear ladies sizes, so I shop in the teens section,never has anyone known, unless I told them that I have an ostomy. I can still wear cute clothes, they do not have to be big and baggy.Thanks to plastics, an illeostomy is a small bag that sticks to your body, theres no longer any odor.I have also never been rejected as far as relationships because of my ostomy.
All of my disabilities are invisable. With some make up, no one can tell, I have often heard these words, from those who don't understand or believe that I have these problems:"I wish the government would pay me to stay home"!
I am Jewish, but follow one certain prayer, to get me through alot of my own pain,past and present, the serentity prayer has helped me through alot, it's posted on the "Who Are We page", I believe it can apply to everyone. I have created this page, to offer support to other parents with an illness, other family members/friend's who want a better understanding. This is a page, that is open to everyone. I also feel it's important to provide links to other related sites, so we can all work together towards one common goal"Support".


*Please note this page was created with 3 cats at my side,Melanie(named after an incredible singer from the 60's) crying because she only likes fresh food and likes to be fed every half hour(she's also on a special food as she has colitis),Tara(as close as I could get to my daughter's name) just cries as she is jealous,lol.Jordan-named after a sports star,also likes to step on the keyboard,his favorite key-delete,yes he has deleted an entire page for me already!The first pic is Melanie,the second pic is Tara and Jordan is our rescued baby.****Please don't take these pics-they are very special to me :)!!****

Update***YIPPEE!!We just rescued a kitten,he wasn't well taken care of at all!!But we brought him to my own vet,with medication, he will be fine.His name is Sammy.***Please Fix your pets!!Sammy was the result of someone who didn't fix thier pet,and has lived in a cage for the past 4 months of his life!All my cats are indoor, fixed, get yearly vacines,and don't know what a flea looks like. My page begins with my cats,because pets are one of the best examples of kindness and unconditional love.

**On November 8th/03,after along battle with illness, I had to grasp for every bit of mental strength I had in me,and make an unselfish decsion.Tara was 11 yrs old and extremley ill, she was suffering - I had to put her to sleep.I still miss her so terribly,and cannot afford another cat at this time,due to vet bills.I stayed with her as they put her to sleep,eventhough I don't think she recognized me anymore, I felt I owed it to her.I still have my other 3 cats,but one day I hope to find another cat like her,its wrong I have the love,a good home to offer.I have called shelters-there biggest problems are not supplies,money,etc- they are finding homes for cats.I would love to see someone help people like myself, start a charity to donate to helping people on disability like myself give a pet a good home, by donating funds for the vet costs,for those like myself-living on disability,I do believe more rescues would happen.

**Just click on this button to feed shelter animals,no donations,only a click :)!You can click once every 24 hours, but no more.***Please return here after and see what this site also has to offer :).

Animal Rescue Site

Greg's Place For Teachers

Family-Friendly Site

RSACi North America Server

*Learn how you can help to feed a hungry child,just by clicking here,no donations,just click.

Feed Hungry Children,just by clicking here

*Please sign my guestbook. It makes me feel wanted!:)

Family, Friends Support -***Updated***
Suggestions-ideas for quick meals***
Related Links
Poem-Friends Without Faces
Who Are We?
Parenting Humor
My Awards Page-1
My Awards Page-2
My Awards Page-3
Webrings I Belong To

How many keys am I holding up?

The majority of graphics and some midis on my pages,were created by a very special person,Angel9oh7,she has really helped me make this page look so good!!Go visit her sites,I promise you wont be able to leave!

Angel's Graphics

Connie's Corner

Lissa's Cursors

Pat's Web Graphics