Gas Huffer Interview

I got this from Moisst a nifty zine.



GAS HUFFER. What can you say about one of the best bands to spring from the armpit of the earth (sEATTLEe. these guys have been hitting the live shows since you were eatin the pizza sub at the school cafeteria. Not only have they tore it up with every hook and cranny possible for the last 8 years they have put out some wicked ass vinyl and sillycon. Some time in 96 they hit up Boston’s and served up some punk grittles that would make momma cry. Myself and Laura were there to feast on the sounds and find out what has kept this shit fresh and roll ing for the span of the band. Heres what the boys had to say:

MOISST: Who is in the band now? Any changes recently?
GH: I guess I’ll have to identify myself now. I’m Don (The security of the band on bass) then there’s Tom (the navigator on guitar) Matt (communications on vox) and last but certainly least Joe (supply on the drums)
MOISST: We were in Seattle this last summer and could not catch you guy’s playing anywhere. Why’s that?
GH: We tour all the time as a matter of fact we just got back from Europe.
MOISST: How was it out there?
GH: Foreign. Some of the countries out there like us a lot. Some of the northern countries don’t know what to make of us. It’s like the U.S. the northern section is more conservative than the south.
MOISST: Europe’s got to be a cool experience though.
GH: Oh yeah, we love it as a matter of fact we’re going back in about four weeks. The second time we toured Europe was a lot better than the first time.
MOISST: Do you guy’s ever play the Lake Union Pub out in Seattle?
GH: No we really can’t play there any more. (It is closed down now and it’s a dark day for hard-core in the Seattle Underground) We usually play the crocodile. The sound is a ten times better there. The atmosphere is also a lot better there. It’s more of a rock, rock, rock, place.
MOISST: What is your favorite place to play.
GH: Texas, Washington, Portland, Seattle, and Spokane Just because they’ve really supported us for years. It’s weird because on the firs tour we went over real well in Austin and the South in general.
MOISST: What’s the most fucked up joke you guy’s have played on each other since the band has been together?
GH: Well, lets see. We loaded up the van with all our equipment and went to go pick up Joe to give him a ride to the circle K, and started the tour then and there without his knowledge. He just got in the van expecting to go down the street and five weeks later here I am. That was a knee slapper. Nobody really tries playing tricks on me (Don) because I’m really accident prone and every time they try something I end up in the hospital.
MOISST: Well give us an example of this phenomenon.
Don: Well lets see, While we were in Europe I was loading some heavy amps off stage and the sound man thought it would be really funny to kick a soccer ball at me. As I’m walking down the stairs with this shit he hits me right in the face which really threw a wrench into my night. Shit like that I don’t have the quickest wits.
MOISST: What do you think of playing in the desert of Arizona, and be honest.
GH: we used to have great shows at the sun club. We’ve had a couple insane shows out in Yuma. This kid John out in Yuma used to put on the craziest shows out there. He really kicked ass there would be like five hundred kids packed in for the shows.
MOISST: I didn’t think yuma had that big of a scene.
GH: Oh yeah, after the show we went back to John’s place and it was this trailer. So we were hangen out and there were all these guys there so we were like can you guys invite some women over. It’s not like were pervs or anything but you spend all day in a van with guys so it’s like kind of nice to have change of scenery so. The next thing we know is he’s on the phone and he invites over these scaggy broads that we ended up jacking with. It’s just really weird, the situations you get into when your on the road.
MOISST: So you have been the same line up for a while now.
GH: We figure it this way. It’s the four of us or none at all. If someone wants to leave the band then we’ll just break up.
MOISST: So did you guys have anything to do with the "HOME ALIVE" CD?
GH: No, we were interested but things didn’t pan out. We were on a Northwestern benefit C.D. for aids which was recorded live at the Crocodile. Then the label wanted us to do a record signing date at Tower Records. So, we get there and Mudhoney and Mad Season had there table set up and their was a line around the block to get in and there’s all these people their to see Mark Arm and Mad Season. We were like "Hello, were here too!"
MOISST: What bands do you derive some of you music from?
GH: I don’t know early 70’s punk, Ramones, Cramps, you know the gooood shit.
MOISST: Hey did you see the Cramps on Beverly Hills 90210?(Laughs)
GH: Yeah that was great We just got off tour and thought that was great. We also get into country, Rockabilly, and 60’s Surf rock
MOISST: What chick bands do you get into?
GH: The only chick bands that rock are the ones that rock in the sack. No, we get into the Red Aunts, the Fastbacks, all kinds of different bands. The great thing about punk is that a girl in a band in the 70’s and 80’s was a novelty and now it’s really moving.
MOISST: What’s the coolest band you’ve toured with?
GH: I guess the Cramps. We really had a fun time with that. Were all kind of star struck on that one. It’s kind of hard to say with that one. One of my favorite bands to tour with is "The Odd Numbers" just because they are our buds and they are a great band and they’re really hilarious. The New Bomb Turks are some really great guys.
MOISST: What do you think of Majors sucking up punk bands to exploit?
GH: Well I’m happy for them. You now every band says that their not going to sell out and do it but as soon as you leave the garage you’re selling out. Once you play a show for more than two bucks your selling out in some peoples eye’s. It’s also kinda nice to play to larger crowds I mean It’s hard to think that when your an old man you could be sitting around thinkin ‘I had my chance and well..." I don’t know I wouldn’t want to wake up in Ringo Star’s shoes either. To me it’s just a matter of how you do it. If you consciously forma band to make money you’re fucked anyway. You can’t rally worry about it if your good, good things will happen with the band. Were content with Epitaph and were where we want to be anyway. Any thing else?
MOISST: Nope, that’s about it. Thanks again. If you would like to get a hold of GAS HUFFER or get a copy of the ever crazy GAS HUFFER comic you can reach them at Epitaph Records 2798 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca. 90026 or on the net at:

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