Gas Huffer Reviews


#1. an album review for Just Beautiful Music I typed this up from a local zine

#2. A Live review, not the kindest ive ever read, but...

#3. A review of One Inch Masters

#4 An album review for The Inhuman Ordeal of Special Agent Gas Huffer

#5. another rewiew for The Inhuman Ordeal...

#6. Another review for The Inhuman Ordeal...

#7. Yet another review of The Inhuman Ordeal....

#8. A review for Just Beautiful Music

#9. A review of Just Beautiful Music

#10. review of Just Beautiful Music

#11. A review of Just Beautiful Music from some guy hired by MTV

#12. A live review from 93

#13 A review of Van Full of Videos, at

#14. A review of Time Tunnel by The Del Lagunas (gas huffers surf alias)

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