What Buzzo from the Melvins said about Ozzfest and
‘Big Brother’ magazine
"They like bands like Limp Bizkit. You get a crowd in
the 16,000 capacity:
the intelligence level goes down to nothing. A bunch
of stupid morons who
know nothing about music, who blindly go and listen to
whatever is on MTV.
And for some reason, and I cannot comprehend this,
they like Ozzy.
I never listened to his solo albums. I always thought
they were kinda stupid.
I mean, who fucking cares? I'd rather go to the movies
any day than sit
through that limp, sorry shit. Is anyone in the world
ever going to show me
some worth for that worthless drug addict? Ozzy is a
buck-toothed mummy. It's
horrible; his brain is completely ruined, yet they've
propped him up every
night with two teleprompters that have six-inch
letters of “generals gathered
in their masses." Fuck you; I mean, fuck you! Forty
bucks to see that fucking
garbage. Ozzfest is the most ass-kissing garbage you
will ever see. Some of
the most worthless turds in the world run that."