Presidents of the United States Links

Presidents of the United States (and related bands) Links

The Back Porch: Sounds, Lyrics, Links, Pics a very good site

Yoda's PUSA page: ANYTHING you could want, tabs, lyrics, articles, concert dates and much much much more

Chris Pictures, sounds, info on related bands, lots of stuff there, a very very good site

A Giraffes Page: new so lets see what comes of it.

The PUSA Mailing List: At, its very nifty and theres oodles of pusa-educated people to talk to. Its the best place to look for PUSA updates.

LPR: Lots of cool rare Pusa downloads.

Plant Funky's PUSA page: with a discography, pictures, articles and more

Boo Boo Cow's PUSA page: hasnt been updated for awhile but it has Lyrics, Articles and a discogaphy

30 Foot Smurfs: Not your average site, it has news, giraffs info, lots of stuff on the final concert and tons more

Jimmy Hendryx's PUSA Page: fun info

Orange Recordings: Home of The Giraffes and soon the Uptights

The Giraffes offical page: Chris' first post-pusa effort

The Tycoons Mansion Page: Another one of Chirs' projects

A subset page: With pics, links and more

A subset page: Pics, link, articles, little more

Sub-Site: A subset page

Alex's Subset Page: some lyrics and pictures more to come.

Subset on Sounds and a bio

Ninjama: the Presidents Hangman game

The PUSA trading page: A large list of concerts to trade

The Bugs Hurricane: Frech Fan Club Site w/ discography, lyrics, pictures and more

An Interview: From addicted to noise

PUSA-A: PUSA Announmous, a collection of people addicted to the presidents

The Presidents of the United States of America Song Chronology v.1.0

A reivew of II

Another II review

My PUSA page: Pretty small, some audio and video clips

A Presidents Review

A Review: of their first album at The Music Room

PUSA: page at Endless Nameless, some random info and a few links, the page is no longer updated

A short article

A PUSA Page: With history, past gigs, and pictures

A PUSA Article: From

A Recent PUSA Article: From

Attention all PUSA fans: lyrics, articles, pictures and more.

The Presidents of the USA: bio, tabs, lyrics, and more.

More Presidents News

Name change news at Spin

More Presidents news, from Billboard

A good news article from Sonicnet

VH1 news

PUSA article, from around the time FOAS came out

If you have a link you want listed here mail me and I'll probably add it.

go back to the PUSA main page or go back to the links main page