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My picturegallery.

Here are some pictures I've drawn myself, I hope you enjoy them! Click on the thumbnails to see them in actual size.
This page contains 16 pictures,:3 new!

This is a picture I drew as sort of tribute to my friend, Skieweaver, the great red dragoness, when she died. Now she has returned to the GDI, and it's now my tribute to all dragons..

This woman looks a bit worried...

This is a picture of a Chieftain.

This is a picture of a real swordbabe.

Here is a picture of a centaur and a dryad. Notice the herd of deers behind them..

This elfmaiden I drew in 1997...

I drew this picture in a german class.....The Dragon has got only one wing...I forgot to draw the second wing....shishkebob..
Ghostface....from Scream...duh...also drawn in a german class..
Another picture drawn at School.....this is a tiny dragon picking fruit.
This is a picture of two adventurers: an elfbabe and a dwarf, who is dividing up the treasure guarded by the dead dragon in the background.
Another Swordswingin' Lady. It's drewn with pen (on the back of one of my math-books..), and I did not manage to get the left eye right, so I gave her an eyepatch instead...
This picture is of Barbarian female druid. It's bigger but this was all that fit in my Scanner..
On this picture an elfwoman is sitting by the river... I drew it late at night and was veeeery sleeeepy...But I think it turned out quite well.
This is a picture of Enya (the Irish singer, composer and so on...). I did not manage to get the "shady" eye right, so it's not that like enya, but I am satisified, after all I'm not that experienced. :-)
This is a scene from an inn with a barmaid and a happy customer. This picture is not finished, but I scanned it since I'll probably ruin it when adding the rest and when trying to shade a bit more..
And here is a young woman by the well.

This page is updated when I've got new pictures. Just keep come in here..
Note: These pictures are not free, and you may not use them unless I have given you permission.
- Kembran.

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