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The Benedicte Adrian Gallery.

This page was last updated October 2nd 1999.

Benedicte Adrian is a singer, a very good one. She has sung in the Operamusical Which Witch, a very good musical. (the best, I think..) Unfortunately it did not do very well in London... Well, she has gotten married... But she is still one of the prettiest women in Norway.

Benedicte, chanting on "Queen of Dark" in Which Witch.
¤Here she is singing "The End" from Which Witch, at Slottsfjellet
¤Poor Benedicte..alone in the dungeon, in Which Witch.
¤And here she is singing in "Henriette og hennes 6 ektemenn.
¤This is from Which Witch.
¤Singing, in the final in Which Witch on Slottsfjellet.
¤This picture is from the London version of Which Witch. Maria (Benedicte) and her maid Giulia
¤Here she is as a witch
¤Benedicte after a "first performance".
¤Benedicte dancing?