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The Book of Music.

In this Book you can find writings about my personal musical favourites.

The kind of music I love the most is music that contains elements from Myth, Legends, Folkmusic and fantasy (and so on), such as Enya and Loreena McKennitt.

Tribute to Loreena McKennittTribute to Enya.

These two make my favourite music. I think they represent two different aspects of fantasy. Loreena McKennitt is the Bard and the Druidess. Enya the mysterious Sorceress.
I wonder what it would be like if they did a project together! I certainly would buy the record.

I like other things than Enya and Loreena too, after all there is so much good music in the world.
Theatre of Tragedy, a gothic band from Norway, are one of my favourite bands, and their female singer Liv Kristine Espenæs is also very good.
Nordman, a swedish duo playing "viking-rock", are also great. Here's a link to one of their songs, Strömkarlen.
I'm also very fond of the operamusical "Which Witch" made by the two Norwegian women Benedicte Adrian, who has an extraordinary voice, and Ingrid Björnov.

Other things I enjoy :
Faith no More, who has THE best male vocalist (Mike Patton), in the rock-heavy-metal genre.
Blackmore's Night, a band playing mostly Medieval-inspired music.
Irish music such as Eimear Quinn, Katie McMahon, Riverdance and so on.

I also love Film-music. My favourites are John Williams: "Jaws", "Star Wars" and so on ; Basil Poledouris: "Conan the Barbarian".
Others: "Braveheart", "Etter Rubicon - Orions Belte", and many many many many other soundtracks.

I also like classical music and lots of other things from all over the music-world, but if I would write everything it would be one LOOOONG page.

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