The Book of Useless Facts.
Pop in (Yikes..) in the future for some more Useless facts....last updated November 4th, 1999.
The new useless Facts are marked blue.
Useless fact #1: The old woman living next door to the Baron, is called Ester.
Useless fact #2: The OBOE is a double-pipeblade instrument.
Useless fact #3: The Baron hates warm buses.
Useless fact #4: The Baron has got 64 pictures of Jacqueline Collen (Maeve) on the wall. (and more keeps coming up all the time...)
Useless Fact #5: The Baron lovezz painting the Dryads in his Warhammer Wood Elf Army...
Useless Fact #6 ( Oh...Bloody darn....I forgot it...)
Useless Fact #7 The Baron has, at last, managed to upload his own files.....shiperidoo......
Useless Fact #8 (hm...where did it go..?)
Useless Fact #9 The Baron's favourite Larry Elmore painting is, Waiting for Shadamehr. Gorgeous.
Useless Fact #10 The Baron has just seen another Buffy the Vampire Slayer-episode,**sigh** slay me, slay me Buffy!!
Useless Fact #11 In the Star Wars RPG, the Baron plays an Ewok....named Tegwyn...Yeah, that's right, an EWOK!
Useless Fact #12 From October 3rd to October 10th the Baron is in Italy, biting sweet Italian maidens....hehe..
Useless Fact #13 The next Friday the 13th is in August...
Useless Fact #14 Today (January 2nd, 1999) it's really, really bad weather outside my castle....
Useless Fact #15 The Baron's favourite computer-games are the three Monkey Island games: Secret of Monkey Island, LeChucks revenge and The Curse of Monkey Island.
Useless Fact #16 The Hyper-hyper-maniac-cool backgroundsound is BABYELEPHANT WALK!.
Useless Fact #17 The Baron has got a large wooden giraffe whose name is Tove!!
Useless Fact #18 The Baron has finally found his Baronesse. She is just plain gorgeous!!
Useless Fact #19 Except for the Monkey Island series, the AD&D-Computer-game Baldur's Gate is Baron Sengir's favourite.!!
Useless Fact #20 "Sommmar! Sommar och sol. Havet och stranden och doft av kaprifol..!!" - The summer is here. (Well it has been here for a while, but what the heck...)
Useless Fact #21 The Baron and the Baronesses phonenumbers put together is : 71890496...
Useless Fact #22 The Baron is, from his WatchTower, watching over the Swedish competition "Expedition Robinson". Malou was his favourite, but unfortunately she was the sixth person to be "out-voted".. Well, well, I thought she did great the time she was there!
above: Malou from "expedition Robinson"
Useless Fact #23 The Baron EATS small children....bwahahaha...
Useless Fact #24 Kim ReeeeEeEEmi hakkje pella seeeg i naaaAAAAASEN!
- This book is written by the renowned author, Ubebube Arntolfploke Raggedankel Lauritzzzzen.
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