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The Book of Useless Facts.

Hey. Is this sheep cool or what?!

Pop in (Yikes..) in the future for some more Useless facts....last updated November 4th, 1999.
The new useless Facts are marked blue.

Useless fact #1: The old woman living next door to the Baron, is called Ester.
Useless fact #2: The OBOE is a double-pipeblade instrument.
Useless fact #3: The Baron hates warm buses.
Useless fact #4: The Baron has got 64 pictures of Jacqueline Collen (Maeve) on the wall. (and more keeps coming up all the time...)
Useless Fact #5: The Baron lovezz painting the Dryads in his Warhammer Wood Elf Army...
Useless Fact #6 ( Oh...Bloody darn....I forgot it...)
Useless Fact #7 The Baron has, at last, managed to upload his own files.....shiperidoo......
Useless Fact #8 (hm...where did it go..?)
Useless Fact #9 The Baron's favourite Larry Elmore painting is, Waiting for Shadamehr. Gorgeous.
Useless Fact #10 The Baron has just seen another Buffy the Vampire Slayer-episode,**sigh** slay me, slay me Buffy!!
Useless Fact #11 In the Star Wars RPG, the Baron plays an Ewok....named Tegwyn...Yeah, that's right, an EWOK!
Useless Fact #12 From October 3rd to October 10th the Baron is in Italy, biting sweet Italian maidens....hehe..
Useless Fact #13 The next Friday the 13th is in August...
Useless Fact #14 Today (January 2nd, 1999) it's really, really bad weather outside my castle....
Useless Fact #15 The Baron's favourite computer-games are the three Monkey Island games: Secret of Monkey Island, LeChucks revenge and The Curse of Monkey Island.
Useless Fact #16 The Hyper-hyper-maniac-cool backgroundsound is BABYELEPHANT WALK!.
Useless Fact #17 The Baron has got a large wooden giraffe whose name is Tove!!
Useless Fact #18 The Baron has finally found his Baronesse. She is just plain gorgeous!!
Useless Fact #19 Except for the Monkey Island series, the AD&D-Computer-game Baldur's Gate is Baron Sengir's favourite.!!
Useless Fact #20 "Sommmar! Sommar och sol. Havet och stranden och doft av kaprifol..!!" - The summer is here. (Well it has been here for a while, but what the heck...)
Useless Fact #21 The Baron and the Baronesses phonenumbers put together is : 71890496...
Useless Fact #22 The Baron is, from his WatchTower, watching over the Swedish competition "Expedition Robinson". Malou was his favourite, but unfortunately she was the sixth person to be "out-voted".. Well, well, I thought she did great the time she was there!

above: Malou from "expedition Robinson"

Useless Fact #23 The Baron EATS small children....bwahahaha...

Useless Fact #24 Kim ReeeeEeEEmi hakkje pella seeeg i naaaAAAAASEN!
- This book is written by the renowned author, Ubebube Arntolfploke Raggedankel Lauritzzzzen.

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