I didn't think my life could get any more chaotic than it was, boy was I wrong! Let's see where to begin? How about the night I bummped into this tall blonde guy. Or rather how about me telling you about myself, and my sis.
Well you could say I'm a normal girl, but under it all, I'm not. Rather me and my sis are both different. We are half vampires,although I think she isn't as visious as I am. Lets say it comes to that point when the hunger can no longer be ignored,I'll just go right out to the club and nab a guy. She on the other hand really can't force herself to do so, only when she loses herself does that happen. As I've said I'm more aggresive, which leads me to the story.
Ok, now about the guy.That night I was a bit upset, to say the least. I hadn't eaten in a few days and my favorite club was closed down because of the gangs. Damn humans!! Too scared of eachother to live. I have always thought that. To continue, I had heard of a new club that had opened the week before, so I decided to go there. I threw my keys to my deep purple Dodge Viper to the valet. "Scratch it and you die." I growled. My eyes deep emerald green, long blonde hair curling around my waist, and blue dress with slits up both sides to my hips. I would have though he was gonna drop dead from the sight if I hadden't been so pissed. He took the car as I went inside.
I had been at the bar for a short time before a guy had come up to me and asked to dance, we went out on the floor and I was sooo hungry I almost couldn't control myself. I was kissing on his neck, licking, I could't take it, I was just about to drive my fangs into his neck when his girlfriend grabbed him from behind. 'What you doin' with my man bitch?!" "I was going to eat him" I said honestly. "What!?!" she ran at me, I grabbed her throat, "Leave me alone,... BITCH!" I growled at her and my eyes turned forest green. Her eyes went wide, I let go and she backed off. I stood there for a moment and watched them walk off. I turned around to walk away, and bumped into a guy.
He was taller than me, so I had to look up to see his features. He had bright blue eyes, blonde hair that was cut short. He did have really nice lips, his smile was bright. There was a smell to him that I just couldn't place, but I knew it somehow. "So I see your date left." he said softly. I was too hungry at this point to even care how sincere he was, maybe if I had fed, it would have been different. All I could do was look into his eyes and grab the back of his head and pulled him down for a kiss. I let my hands roam, he seemed like he didn't know what to do. I knew he was too scocked. I stopped,grabbed his hand and led him off. I got my car and drove to the beach. When we got there, I straddeled his lap as soon as I had the car off. I wasted no time in ripping off his shirt,and going for his neck. I started to kiss him, then started licking him. I took my time savoring every minuite, but still with the sent in the back of my mind. My fangs slid out and I knew I had to feed. I slid them over his neck, softly. Right before I drove them into his neck I recognized the sent, my sister!! He was with my sister!
I could not beleive it! I was too hungry to even notice it, I almost killed him! She would have never forgiven me, it had made so much sence, she would be gone for long periods of time, and come to think of it, she did go out earlier that night and when she came back was too cheerfull. "Damn, now I have to wait even longer to eat" I thought to myself. Oh well, I kissed his neck one last time and slid off him back to the driver's seat. "What'd I do?" he asked, "Nothing, cutie, I just have second thoughts", "Why? I don't excite you?" he asked offened. "Oh you do, more than you will ever know,butt you will see why soon." He looked so confused. I leaned over and kissed him another time, then drove away from the beach. I took him back to the club, there was just about no one there, once at his car I watched him get in and leave. I still could not have believed it, my sister, but at that moment I noticed I was being watched. I turned around and saw that it was the valet boy. He was watching, with a half smile. I tryed to ignore him and walk to my car, but at the moment we both reatched my driver door I had noticed the tiniest scratch. That pissed me off, "Are you free, or do you cost?" he asked.That had done it, not only was there a scratch on my car,or not only was he an ass,but he was going to die. "Oh for you my dear, it'll cost." I purred into his ear, while I let my leg rest on his thigh. "How much?" he had asked with sligh amusement. "Only your life!" As the last word left my lips I drove my fangs into his neck hard. I was so angry and too hungry to even care at that point. I had torn his throat something terrable. Only I wasn't going to be forgiving to him, and I didn't. When they found him they had thought wolfs had gotten him, but the fact that there was no blood in his body had stumped them. The only thought after I had dinner was the blonde guy and my sister, time to go find out!
On the drive home all I could do was think about him, he was cute. "I wonder if sis has had a taste of him?" I thought to myself.Knowing her, probably not. Oh well. It took me some time to get back home, but when I did, I almost got beheaded by my sis. She had one of my own swords at my throat! "I can't believe you!" she screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "What?" I asked. "What did you do to him?" "To who?" I asked back getting quite annoyed. "To Nick, I can smell him on you, and I can smell the blood!!" "Ahhh. so she hadden't tasted him!" I thought in surprise. "Wait one second, you mean to tell me that he is the one who is making you so cheereful?" I asked."Yes" she said back, her long curly brown hair flying around from her anger. "Oh brother, I think I'm gonna be sick" I said back in mockery."What?" she yelled back, putting the sword closer to my neck, any closer and I just might lose my head!! "Oh give it up, I didn't do anything to him, He's home more and likely in bed sleepin, or still wondering why I didn't have sex with him, poor guy, I got him so worked up, and I had to leave him hot and bothered because I could still smell you on him! How do you think I felt? I was so damn hungry, I almost killed him, and I didn't cuz he's yours! So please get MY sword away from MY throat!!" She just stood there, the sword did move slightly away, but not far enough. "But what about the blood?" she asked. "Well lets see, I know I didn't even scratch him, oh why yes I do believe it's the valets, he scratched my car,so he he paid for it." I said, my eyes twinkeled at the thought. "I'm sorry" she said, the sword dropping down, "I really thought you had killed him," her deep blue eyes welling up with tears. "I didn't, I couldn't,... when I realalized he was the one you were with, I sent him home." she grabbed at me giving me a big hugg, "I'm so sorry." she said crying. "I know boo, I know, forget it, we should sleep soon though, and you haven't eaten yet have you?" "No, I couldn't" "Well here, the guy I got tonight had enough to last me a few days, exspecialy seeing as I killed him, so I can just go out later." I took the sword and cut my inner elbow, so she could feed. As she did she looked up at me, her eyes turned a soft blue, then we went to bed after. "I just wish you could find a guy who you could love like I did, maybe you wouldn't be so angry then." she said as we drifted off. "Yeah right,....me....find a guy to love.........ha....." I thought as I slipped into the relm of the dark once more.
My dreams twisted more than I had wished them to. When I awoke I was sick to my stomach. "You arn't feeling well are you sis?" she had asked me. "Not really." I said holding my stomach and head. "You need to feed, lets go out, I'm saposto meet up with Nick later...." she said cautiously. "Really? Hmmm....let me eat first, then Maybe I'll end up running into you guys later." I said smiling through the pain. She beamed. "Good cuz he said he was bringing a friend..." she said with a hint of hopefulness in her face. "Hmmm," I said back not too fond of the idea, but willing anyways."Ok then, I will see you later" I said as I pushed her out the door. She gave me a kiss and ran to her car. "Oh brother, why did I have to agree to this?" I complained outloud as if the walls would give me some answer I wanted. I screamed into the night through the open window from frustration. I ended up dressing in black skintight shinny pance and a black short cropped sweater showing off my navel, and almost showing my breasts from the bottom. I put my hair in a ponytail. I had planed on going to feed and maybe stopping to see her for a few seconds before I came home to rest. As it was I didn't take as much as I needed. I had let the guy live, he was a young spanish welp from one of the local gangs. He though he was getting his rocks off and that was it, little did he know he was my dinner. Damn mortals, so frustrating! I'm sure I'll see him again though, this wasn't the first time I had taken from him, he rejuvinates so fast too. I had walked into the club, tired, frustrated on every possiablity, I just wanted to go home. She spotted me right after I had gotten my drink from the bar. I did cheer a bit in seeing her. As I walked towards them, I could see her and nick, plus his friend who had black hair tied back. From his sent I had guessed he wans't full rican, only half, my hunger still unquelled mixed with my need for sex had almost pushed me over at the smell of them both. She saw this in my eyes and started to worry, I shook my head to let her know I was in check. She calmed at that, and prceded to let him know I was behind him. "This should be very interesting" I though to myself with a smile. As they both turned me and Nick had shocked expressions. His face had turned pale, while I expoleded with heat from his friend.
I almost fell to the floor but his friend caught me before I hit. "You alright?" he asked. His voice rang in my ears softly, like bubbels floating and tickeling me."Sis? What's wrong?" I heard her ask snapping me back to the real world. "Oh yeah,..sorry, I haven't eaten much today." I managed. She shot me a nasty glance. "I just kinda forgot." "well you better eat later!"she growled under her breath. "I will, I will. God give me a break." I complained. Nick had gone to her side and had his arm around her waist. "This is Nick, and that is Howie." She said with a slight giggle. Nick also caught a laugh in his throught. I had to admit the situation had turned a bit weired, I was still in Howie's arms. "Oh sorry," He said. "Thats ok, Howie, but I guess you can let me out of your arms now...." I had said with a half smile. "Not that I really mind and all." I giggled. At that he helped me to my feet, and pulled the chair out for me. He pushed it in a bit also as I sat down. Margie and Nick both sat after Howie did. "So what did you have to eat tonight?" Howie asked. I had to giggle, "Oh I had a little spanish." Margie just looked at me almost with a half smile. "Same guy?" She asked in my mind. "Yep." I replied back. "So you like spanish food?" Howie asked. "Yes I do, it's one of my favorites." I said smiling at him. His brown eyes were so warm, I felt myself being pulled into him. At that realization I snapped back to myself. I can't afford to let myself fall for anyone like my sister did! It would never work, and she knows this. I saw the hope in her eyes fade as I looked over at her. She just gave a weak smile as Nick looked at her. "So Nick, tell me how was your night last night?" I asked feeling back to my old vengfull self. He tripped over his words trying to find some way to keep himself out of trouble. "It was a good night,...what about your's?" I had to laugh. "Oh, it was wonderfull, esp the drive I took to the beach." I said smiling a bit so he could see my fangs slightly. His eyes just got big, and my sister jumped up. "We need to talk! Now!" She growled. Both guys looked at each of us with such confusion, I had almost lost it. We walked into the lady's room, I fallowed behind her. As soon as the door had shut she was once again at my throat. "What in the world are you doing?" She yelled. "Not falling for some dumb mortal." I snapped back. The look in her eyes went sad as she looked at me. "What?" I asked sarcasticly. "Nothing." She said. She turned and looked at herself in the mirror, and then at my reflection. "Ya know you should, it's not so bad." She said softly.