May 16, 2000 - Northampton, MA @ Pearl St.
By: Heather R Lember **

I saw sleater-kinney for the 5th time last night, and i think this may have been this may have been the best i've seen. my friends and i got to pearl street pretty early and i ended up being in the very front, inches from corin...unfortunetly i still can't hear and my ears are ringing, but it was worth it because the entire show was amazing. the gossip started off the show. i had never heard them before, but they ended up being really entertaining and a lot of fun. their singer has an amazing voice and was a crazy dancer.

the butchies were up next, who i had seen once before, but this time was a lot better, or maybe the sound was just better. sleater-kinney set up pretty quickly and started off with ballad of a ladyman. i don't remember the exact setlist, but they played a lot of songs off the new album plus "start together", "one song for you" and "the end of you" off the hot rock. i think the highlight of the eveing for me was that they finally played "call the doctor", which i thought they had stopped doing after the dig me out tour. near the end of the set they played both "turn it on" and "heart factory" which got everyone dancing. they ended up doing two encores. right before the first encore, the two girls next to me stole corin's water bottle, which i thought was kind of mean. corin seemed a little confused when they came back out and her water was gone.

anyway, i forget what they played, but i think "dig me out" may have been one of the songs. they ended their second encore and the entire show with "joey ramone", which carrie referred to as the band's "first hit song". they played "get up" in the second encore as well after a number of requests for it. i think this was by far the best of the five times i have seem s-k. carrie's dancing is better than ever and corin looks like she's having a lot more fun then she used to. they are totally worth seeing multiple times, which i will be doing. i'm going to be at the philly show on saturday, and possibly one or both of the new york shows. if anyone is there and sees an overly excited 5'4" 19 year old girl with blonde spikey hair, come say hi to me. i'm off to study for my last final...i'll probably have more to say after the philly show.

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