Suikoden Faq
Item Queries
Where do I find red, blue, and yellow flower seeds?
The seeds are for sale in certain item shops. Red seeds are found in Warriors' Village,
blue in Rikon, and yellow in Teien. If you have already visited these towns' item shops,
talk to Chandler in your castle and he should have them for sale.
Where do I find the Sound Crystal?
It is in Kalekka.
Where do I find the Window Crystal?
It is hidden in Qlon Cave. To find it, please look in the next section, Character Recruits.
Where do I get the Nameless Urn?
It is randomly won from Holly Fairies in the nearby area. It may help to bring party
members with high LUK skills.
Where do I get the Opal?
Nightmares drop Opals when defeated. These creatures can be found in Soniere and
Scarleticia. It may help to bring party members with high LUK skills.
Once I give all the Paints to Ivanov, he gives me "Binoculars." What do they do?
See the Secrets Page.
Where do I find all the paints?
Please visit the Items Page.
What determines what Chandler and Chapman sell?
Whatever items you find for sale in towns will then be for sale at the castle.
Where can I find all the Old Books?
Please visit the Items Page.
Is there really a 9th Old Book?
There were rumors, but apparently no one has accomplished the trick. It appears to be
a false code.
I had a Rune equipped on the Hero, then he got the Soul Eater! What happened to my
Sorry, but it's long gone!
I lost a character that was carrying some really good stuff, like my Blinking Mirror! What
happened to those items?
They are still with the character! You must simply wait until they return (if they can
return). Otherwise, sorry!
Character Recruits
Where is Crowley?
Crowley is hidden deep within Qlon Cave. Below are some partial maps. Click on them
to see larger versions.
I know I need to talk to Mathiu to recruit Leon, but every time I try, he starts a war. What
can I do?
You must wait until the battle is over before you talk to Mathiu. However, if this is the
final war (against Yuber's army), then you will not be able get the special ending. Your
only hope is an old save file, or a new game.
I know I need the four Blacksmiths to recruit Mace, but I never get enough open spaces in
my traveling party.
You must take some time in between events in the story to change your party! Be sure
to try as soon as you can, because after a certain point, you will no longer have enough
free spaces in your party.
How do I get back to Seek Valley to recruit Mace?
Go back to the Dragon Knights' Fortress. Milia's dragon Thrash will still be there, and
will automatically take you back to Seek Valley.
I returned to Neclord's Castle to recruit Pesmerga, but he isn't there.
You need at least 95-100 recruits before he'll show up.
How do I find Clive?
Clive is located in the Rikon Inn. He is supposed to appear randomly, although he
seems to always appear once you have at least 95-100 recruits. Look for him to the left
of the counter.
When I find Crowley, he says he'll join when my castle's bigger. How much bigger is it
going to get?
He does not mean your castle, but rather, your army. Talk to him again once you have
at least 95-100 recruits.
When I try to talk to Rubi, he says he only talks to elves. When I bring Kirkis, he calls
him a runt. What do I do?
Kirkis must be at level 40 or higher.
I thought Vincent had already joined, but I checked my Stone Tablet and he's not there!
When you rescue Viktor and Warren from Moravia, you should see Vincent there as
well. However, he does not join then. You must travel up a second time to recruit him.
How do I win enough to recruit Marco?
On the Secrets Page are Marco's patterns. It is possible that your version of the game
may be different, and so the patterns will vary. You can determine the patterns on your
own by betting small amounts of money. Quit, then use the patterns, betting with
higher amounts.
How do I win Tai Ho/Gaspar's game?
Winning depends mostly on your characters' LUK Attributes. Save beforehand, and
bring characters with high LUK Attributes, if possible.
How do I win Georges' game?
Pick the smallest amount of different pictures, and hope that the computer matches
most of them for you!
To recruit Mina, she says I must dance. How?
You must equip the Toe Shoes item on the Hero.
In order to recruit a certain character, I need a certain item, but I can't find it anywhere!
Please check to see if your question is answered in the above section, Item Queries.
More Character Questions
I was just looking for Kasumi, and she's gone! She is also no longer on my Stone Tablet.
Where is she?
At a certain point in the story, she and Krin leave to gather information. Don't worry;
they return on their own later.
I'm supposed to go to the Rapids in my boat before I can recruit Gen. How do I get there?
Go south of Teien and enter Rikon, and use the boat there. Since Rikon is below Garan
Bridge, its boat will be able to sail where other boats can't go, and you should
eventually find the Rapids.
I know it's Lotte's cat in Kaku, but I can't catch it.
You must wait until Lotte asks you to find her cat, then you should be able to catch it.
Can I not taste Ledon's tea?
No. It's part of the story; go along with it.
Why won't Viki teleport me?
If Viki won't teleport you, then there must be some event going on inside the castle.
Either try talking to Mathiu or leaving the old fashioned way -- by boat.
Who is Black Ears, in the manual?
Black Ears is actually Kuromimi.
Rock won't let me store or detach certain items -- "Don't embarass me."
The item you are trying to store or detach is a "?" item -- an antique. You must have it
appraised before Rock will allow you to store it in his vault.
Some of my characters died in an epic battle. Sometimes, a character's spot on the Stone
Tablet of Promise is grayed out, and sometimes it isn't. Why?
Sometimes in an epic Army vs. Army battle, your troops may be weak against the
enemies' attack and suffer a great blow (see the Battles Page for details). In these
instances, certain characters that are not important to the storyline may be wounded
or even killed. For example, Eileen, Max, and Luc often die in battle. If a character
has died, their spot becomes gray and they can no longer be used in any battle. The
best solution is to recall an old save file and retry the battle.
There are two possible explanations if a character died, but still has a normal spot on
the Stone Tablet. One is that they were simply wounded, and another is that there's a
bug in your game. It is unknown whether it affects the game or not, so it is better to be
safe and retry that battle!
Is Milich a girl?
The reason people ask this question is because when you go to Sansuke's Sauna with a
party consisting of all male characters, and Milich, he sits on the female's side.
However, Milich will use the male side if there are any female characters in the party,
so perhaps he's just shy.
I can't tell if some of these characters are guys or girls.
It really shouldn't matter, but if the character is a fighter, put him/her in your party,
then enter Sansuke's Sauna. As for characters that don't fight, well, they will have to
remain a mystery.
Neclord Problems
I went up to Neclord's Castle, but he's not there.
You must first go to The Warriors' Village to fight him (and lose). Then, the story will
pick back up and you should then know what to do.
Can I beat Neclord the first time I meet him in the Warriors' Village?
No. You need the Star Dragon Sword to defeat Neclord.
What do I do in the room of Neclord's Castle with the four paintings?
The verse you hear from the Warrior's Village and from the zombie in the basement of
Neclord's Castle is the key. Each of the painting represents an element in the verse,
and if you look at them in the right order, a secret door will open. With the leftmost
one being first and the rightmost fourth, the correct order is: 3rd, 2nd, 4th, 1st. If you
mess up, you must leave the floor and re-enter.
How do I defeat Neclord?
This boss gives people the most trouble. You will notice that Neclord is very skilled at
avoiding all your normal attacks (except for Viktor's first hit with the Star Dragon
Sword). Magic attacks do not appear to be too effective, either. For these reasons, you
should try using special attack Runes as your main means of attack, such as the Clone
Rune. These attacks do decent damage while having a 100% success rate. It should be
easy to anticipate his actions, so you should know when the best opportunities to heal
If you find you are truly stuck and absolutely cannot defeat Neclord, do not despair.
There are coffins in the castle, and you should be able to step inside one to recover HP
and MP. This should help you prepare for the battle, and give you an opportunity to
level up should your characters be extremely weak, as a last resort. Good luck!
Are there multiple endings?
There are two endings, but the differences are very slight. See the Secrets Page for
I can't get the patterns for Marco's game to work.
If the patterns do not work, you must bet small amounts and notice the pattern that
works for you. Thanks to Fernando Shimizu for pointing out that Marco may have
anywhere from one to five different patterns! So, keep trying!
Help! I forgot what to do.
Talk to Onil. Usually, she will remind you of what to do, in the form of gossip.
What is the Sauna REALLY for?
No, really, Sansuke's Sauna is only meant to store antiques. However, check out the
Secrets Page for some other things to do...
How do I defeat the final boss?
The final boss is a giant three-headed Golden Hydra. The left head is invulnerable to
Wind. The middle head is invulnerable to Lightning, and is strong against Earth (half
damage). The right head is immune to Fire. The best order to attack the heads in is
left, right, then middle, since the left head can heal the other two. Whip out your
strongest attacks and heal frequently! Magic is extremely useful in this battle.
When is Suikoden 2 coming out?
It is not known exactly... as of this date, however, there are not even any screen shots
available, so it is unlikely that it will be available any time soon!
Death to Rumors
How do I recruit Yuber?
You cannot recruit Yuber, plain and simple. Some people have tested the proposed code
using a Game Shark, and found it to be false. Later, the originator of the rumor even
admitted so. You cannot recruit anyone but the 108 Stars of Destiny!
How do I go up the Stairs in the Great Forest that the guy won't allow me to use?
There is currently no known way. There have been rumors that, in the Japanese
version, you can take the four elves at the end of the game up the stairs to find a few
certain Stars of Destiny. They were supposedly too risque, and thus were replaced by
other characters.
This is not a very reliable story as the person who informed me can't remember the
characters, their names, or what they looked like, and cannot tell who their
replacements are. Also, at the end of the game, you have only three free slots in your
party because Viktor and Flik are part of the story later on, and so it is unlikely they
were not so in the Japanese version. People who have played the Japanese version
both support and discount this rumor, but it is highly doubtful that you can climb those
stairs in either version. Have fun with the rest of the game!
About this Site
How can I print out the information on your site? It doesn't work.
The text is white, so it will not show up when you try to print. One solution is to get
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or higher, or to get Netscape Communicator.
Both of these browsers will allow you to print background colors and images.
However, nearly all browsers give you the option to override default colors with your
own preset values; simply set the options so that all web pages you view have a light
background and white foreground, print, then reset the options afterward if you wish.
Another solution is to save the page you want to print, then edit it! You can use any
text/HTML editor program such as Windows Notepad or Netscape Editor. Change the
background color to white and the text to black, and it should print up fine! If you are
using a text editor, you can do this by looking for a line that looks like:
And changing it to:
I don't have e-mail, and I have a question!
Well, that is what this page is for. If it still is not answered, you can check out the
Contact Page where I have an e-mail form, which you can use whether you have e-mail
or not. Or, please sign in the guestbook, and I may be able to answer you there.
How did you get all those pictures?
I have a special card on my computer which allows me to connect my a cable or VCR. I
can then watch television on my computer monitor, and this particular program allows
me to take screen captures. I then edit these images for use on this web site. You can
probably find something like this for sale at a computer store.
May I use your pics on my site?
Sure, but all I ask is that you tell where you got it from!
How do you do that lake thingee on the main page?
It is a Java Applet. There is a link at the bottom of the page to the site where I got it
from; you can find the same files and instructions, and can put it on your own web site!
Why won't the guestbook work?
It should be a rare occasion when the GBook is not functioning, so be sure to check
back soon. The servers may be upgrading or undergoing a fix, so please hang in there
and try again!
I've checked the guestbook, and saw people using portraits that are not from Suikoden.
How do they do that?
All they are doing is entering some HTML code in the comments. Also, I am working
on making special entry forms that allow you to choose such special portraits. The one
for Final Fantasy Tactics portraits is up, but it's hidden!
Why aren't Ted, Odessa, and Sanchez Stars of Destiny?
Ted and Odessa must die as part of the story, and there is no way to bring them back.
You'll see late in the game why Sanchez is not a Star of Destiny...
Do Gremio, Pahn, Ted, and Odessa HAVE TO die?
Gremio, Ted, and Odessa must die, but Pahn does not. See the Secrets Page to find out
how to save him. And although Gremio must die, he can be revived. Details on the
Secrets Page.
How do I revive Gremio?
You must simply recruit all the other 108 Stars of Destiny and keep them alive before
the final army battle against Yuber's troops (not the final normal battle against
Barbarossa). This includes Pahn and any characters that may die during an Army vs.
Army battle. Dying in a normal battle does not count.
How do I defeat Teo with Pahn?
An easy way is to simply Defend continually. Another way is to listen to Teo's quote
and determine his next action from it. A complete list of all known quotes, their
corresponding actions, and your recommended response is on the Secrets Page.
When Gremio died, he was carrying my Blinking Mirror. Can I get it back?
The only way to get back any items Gremio was carrying is to revive him, near the end
of the game. The items do NOT appear in Rock's vault.
Created by josh johnston june,11,1999.
Email: darth_maul13@email.com