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Valentine Bear

On a box with hearts and lace,
A note for me from Grandma Grace:
"When you open, please beware
Of Valentine, the bad, bad bear."

Valentine, who climbed on chairs,
Scared the baby with mean stares.
Hid inside his secret lair,
Valentine, the bad, bad bear!

Valentine, who slammed the door,
Left his pumpkin on the floor.
There are my crayons--everywhere!
Valentine, the bad, bad bear!

Valentine, who spilled the milk,
Blamed it on somebody else.
Teased my brother and didn't care,
Valentine, the bad, bad bear.

Valentine, who did no work,
Slurped his soup and tried to burp.
Growled at Grandpa, wouldn't care,
Valentine, the bad, bad bear.

"Valentine, I whispered low,
Don't you know I love you so?"
Up we went, stair by stair,
Brushed our teeth and washed our hair.
Chasing bubbles as they danced,
While only in our underpants...
Valentine, the best of bears!

Justin, age 11


God made dirt,
So dirt won't hurt,
And dirt will never hurt me.
So when I die,
God knows why,
And no one will ever blame me.

Sebastian, age 11

(when prose pretends it is poetry)
I know you had to go, but it was a perfect day. It was not too hot, with a slow, gentle breeze, a clear sky, and lots of sun. How I wanted you to stay--for us to find a park and play like children But you had to go, and so did that beautiful day."
Mrs. K.

